(Additions   &   Corrections)

The “Additions and Corrections” appendix in Volume II allowed me to correct errors in Volume I and also add new information regarding a number of carvers treated in Volume I. Now that Volume II has appeared, I have begun to find some small errors in it as well as new information that didn’t make it into that volume. I therefore offer this Volume II “Additions & Corrections” page here.

The changes added so far are:

(1) June 2015

(2) January 25, 2016

(3) June 3, 2016

(4) June 16, 2016

(5) June 17, 2016

(6) July 10, 2016

(7) July 19, 2016

(8) August 21, 2016

(9) September 29, 2016

(10) December 7, 2016

(11) December 11, 2016

(12) December 15, 2016

(13) January 11, 2017

(14) January 12, 2017

(15) January 13, 2017

(16) January 18, 2017

(17) January 18, 2017

(18) January 22, 2017

(19) February 26, 2017

(20) March 24, 2017

(21) April 3, 2017

(22) October 13, 2018

(23) November 8, 2018

(1) June 2015


On pp. 672-673 of Volume II, I added a list of a number of gravestones made by carvers treated in Volume II that I discovered on the Find A Grave website – but too late to have included them in the database on the flash drive accompanying Vol. II. (Almost all of these are in 27 burial grounds not listed in the database). To make it easier for you to add this data to the Excel database (and elsewhere) on the flash drive, I provide them for you here as well. You can copy all this and paste it all at once into the Excel spreadsheet on the flash drive (see below for instructions).

Burial Grounds:

180a. Burrillville, RI (Albee-Paine: Burrillville #6)
180b. Burrillville, RI (Aldrich Thayer: Burrillville #27)
180c. Burrillville, RI (Brown-Millard: Burrillville #2)
180d. Burrillville, RI (Cooper-Mowry: Burrillville #46)
180e. Burrillville, RI (Eddy-Aldrich: Burrillville # 7)
180f. Burrillville, RI (Mowry: Burrillville #117)
180g. Burrillville, RI (Paine-Phillips-Sayles: Burrillville #11)
180h. Burrillville, RI (Ross: Burrillville #111)
347a. Easton, CT (Union)
415a. Glocester, RI (Asaph Wilder: Glocester #10)
415b. Glocester, RI (Benamin Medery: Glocester #51)
415c. Glocester, RI (Brown-Burrill-Hall: Glocester #113)
415d. Glocester, RI (Capt. James Reynolds: Glocester #3)
415e. Glocester, RI (Col. Chad Brown: Glocester #127)
415f. Glocester, RI (David Richmond: Glocester #70)
415g. Glocester, RI (Dr. Nathaniel Sweet: Glocester #13)
415h. Glocester, RI (Ebenezer Darling: Glocester #84)
415i. Glocester, RI (George Bowen: Glocester #14)
415j. Glocester, RI (Othniel Saunders: Glocester #9)
415k. Glocester, RI (Owen-Evans: Glocester #133)
415l. Glocester, RI (Public Cemetery: Glocester #134)
415m. Glocester, RI (Turner-Cooke: Glocester #6)
415n. Glocester, RI (Willard Wade: Glocester #18)
415o. Glocester, RI (William Tourtelot: Glocester #74)
775a. N. Smithfield, RI (James Buxton lot: N. Smithfield #1)
775b. N. Smithfield, RI (Gideon Sayles lot: N. Smithfield #24)
775c. N. Smithfield, RI (Union): N. Smithfield #37)
1276. Woodstock, CT (E. Woodstock)
1277. Woodstock, CT (Woodstock Hill)
1278. Woodstock, CT (W. Woodstock [Bungay])


NOTE: The Excel spreadsheet has 7 columns:


You can integrate the new gravestone entries (listed below) with the others in the Excel spreadsheet on the flash drive. A problem arises, however, because when you copy whole line-rows into the spread sheet, you must leave TABS (not SPACES) between all the columns. So here is what you can do:

(1) Highlight the whole list (below) and "copy";
(2) Paste it all into a new word processing document;
(3) Use the "search for and replace" in your word processing application: search for all single blank spaces, replacing them with "left tabs";
(4) Highlight and copy this new version of the list;
(5) Go to the flash drive, open the Excel spreadsheet database, and scroll to the bottom (where blank rows begin to appear), and click on a far left empty box (under "Year of death");
(6) Then paste the list. It should all be arranged correctly into the 7 columns.

To make this work, however, I had to elminate blank spaces where 2 words were in 1 column/box: for example "North Smithfield" or "Soule, Coomer II"; you'll have to restores these spaces by hand;
Once you do a sort on the spreadsheet, all this new data will all be integrated with the existing data. HOWEVER, the cemetery codes with letters as well as numbers (e.g., 347a) will probably be placed AFTER all the codes with numbers only.

1763 Selye Ephraim Easton CT 347a Codner,William
1772 Binnett Justice Easton CT 347a Fowle,Robert
1786 Sanford Ebenezer Easton CT 347a Geyer,JohnJustSr.
1775 Bugbee Mary Woodstock CT 1277 Hastings,Daniel
1776 Lyon Hannah Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1776 Lyon Molly Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1778 Bugbee DariusJr. Woodstock CT 1277 Hastings,Daniel
1778 Bugbee Mehitable Woodstock CT 1277 Hastings,Daniel
1779 Chandler Jemima Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1779 Holmes Dr.DavidJr. Woodstock CT 1277 Hastings,Daniel
1780 Ainsworth Luke Woodstock CT 1278 Hastings,Daniel
1780 Bugbee Lyman Woodstock CT 1277 Hastings,Daniel
1781 Chandler Samuel Woodstock CT 1277 Hastings,Daniel
1781 Child Alice Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1783 Chandler Barnabas Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1787 Chandler Betsey Woodstock CT 1277 Hastings,Daniel
1787 Chandler Charles Woodstock CT 1277 Hastings,Daniel
1787 Chandler CharlesC.Jr. Woodstock CT 1277 Hastings,Daniel
1793 Child Elias Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1795 Child Henry Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1795 Child ParkerMarse Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1795 Paul Daniel Woodstock CT 1278 Hastings,Daniel
1796 Chaffee Arinda Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1798 Child Elisha Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1801 May Seth Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1802 May Mehitable Woodstock CT 1276 Hastings,Daniel
1764 McClellan Jemima Woodstock CT 1277 Howard,Ebenezer
1766 Johnson Abigail Woodstock CT 1277 Howard,Ebenezer
1773 Bennett Stephen Easton CT 347a Lamson,John
1773 Lion Nathaniel Easton CT 347a Lamson,John
1773 Seely Rebecca Easton CT 347a Lamson,John
1761 Hubbel Ebenezer Easton CT 347a Lamson,John
1767 Seely Stephen Easton CT 347a Lamson,JosephII
1767 Wheler Ann Easton CT 347a Lamson,JosephII
1768 Bennitt Mary Easton CT 347a Lamson,JosephII
1772 Lion Edward Easton CT 347a Lamson,JosephII
1772 Patterson Sarah Easton CT 347a Lamson,JosephII
1773 Sanford Nathaniel Easton CT 347a Lamson,JosephII
1790 Owen Sarah Glocester RI 415l Soule,BezaSr.
1792 Gadcomb William Glocester RI 415l Soule,BezaSr.
1792 Owen Sarah Glocester RI 415l Soule,BezaSr.
1795 Killey Amey Glocester RI 415m Soule,BezaSr.
1797 Kimball Col.Asa Glocester RI 415l Soule,BezaSr.
1798 Owen Capt.Solomon Glocester RI 415l Soule,BezaSr.
1798 Owen Thomas Glocester RI 415l Soule,BezaSr.
1797 Thayer Dr.Silas Burrillville RI 180b Soule,Cady
1814 Bates Julian Burrillville RI 180d Soule,Cady
1821 Aldrich Prusia Burrillville RI 180e Soule,Cady
1821 Evans IraP. Glocester RI 415k Soule,Cady
1822 Aldrich Amasa Burrillville RI 180e Soule,Cady
1822 Brown Stephen Glocester RI 415c Soule,Cady
1822 Evans Charles Glocester RI 415k Soule,Cady
1822 Thayer Arathusa Burrillville RI 180b Soule,Cady
1823 Aldrich Peter Burrillville RI 180c Soule,Cady
1823 Brown Marvellous Glocester RI 415c Soule,Cady
1824 Bowen Israel Glocester RI 415i Soule,Cady
1825 Sayles Christopher Burrillville RI 180g Soule,Cady
1826 Brown Elcy Burrillville RI 180c Soule,Cady
1826 Paine Angell Burrillville RI 180a Soule,Cady
1829 Aldrich Sally Burrillville RI 180e Soule,Cady
1829 Mowry AlseS. Burrillville RI 180f Soule,Cady
1837 Mowry Smith Burrillville RI 180f Soule,Cady
1776 Cooper Anna Burrillville RI 180d Soule,CoomerII
1796 Salisbury Freelove Burrillville RI 180h Soule,CoomerII
1800 Medbery Elizabeth Glocester RI 415b Soule,CoomerII
1804 Cooper Bille Burrillville RI 180g Soule,CoomerII
1804 Killey Phebe Glocester RI 415m Soule,CoomerII
1804 Owen Ruth Glocester RI 415l Soule,CoomerII
1805 Smith Welcome Glocester RI 415l Soule,CoomerII
1806 Cooper Dorcas Burrillville RI 180g Soule,CoomerII
1806 Smith Job Glocester RI 415f Soule,CoomerII
1807 Wilder Olive Glocester RI 415a Soule,CoomerII
1808 Sayles Ira Burrillville RI 180g Soule,CoomerII
1809 Evans ThomasOwen Glocester RI 415k Soule,CoomerII
1809 Sayles Roba Burrillville RI 180g Soule,CoomerII
1809 Torrey Marcy Glocester RI 415l Soule,CoomerII
1810 Underwood Lydia Glocester RI 415h Soule,CoomerII
1812 Owen Hon.Dania Glocester RI 415l Soule,CoomerII
1813 Sayles Martha Burrillville RI 180g Soule,CoomerII
1814 Brown Abigail Glocester RI 415e Soule,CoomerII
1814 Brown Benjamin Glocester RI 415e Soule,CoomerII
1814 Brown Col.Chad Glocester RI 415e Soule,CoomerII
1814 Cooper Prudy Burrillville RI 180g Soule,CoomerII
1816 Aldrich Mary NorthSmithfield RI 775c Soule,CoomerII
1816 Bowen Rufus Glocester RI 415i Soule,CoomerII
1816 Smith John Glocester RI 415l Soule,CoomerII
1817 Westcot ThomasO. Glocester RI 415l Soule,CoomerII
1818 Wade Sukey Glocester RI 415n Soule,CoomerII
1819 Aldrich Nancy NorthSmithfield RI 775c Soule,CoomerII
1819 Aldrich Oliver NorthSmithfield RI 775c Soule,CoomerII
1819 Saunders Harley Glocester RI 415a Soule,CoomerII
1819 White Samuel NorthSmithfield RI 775c Soule,CoomerII
1820 Darling Pvt.Ebenezer Glocester RI 415h Soule,CoomerII
1820 Sanders Othniel Glocester RI 415j Soule,CoomerII
1821 Bowen MaryAnne Glocester RI 415i Soule,CoomerII
1821 Bradford CharlesH. Glocester RI 415l Soule,CoomerII
1821 Kimball Stephen Glocester RI 415l Soule,CoomerII
1822 Aldrich Lucy NorthSmithfield RI 775c Soule,CoomerII
1822 Cooper Susanna Burrillville RI 180d Soule,CoomerII
1823 Sweet Timothy Glocester RI 415g Soule,CoomerII
1823 Mansfield MaryS. NorthSmithfield RI 775a Soule,CoomerII
1823 Wade Dorcas Glocester RI 415n Soule,CoomerII
1824 Sweet Esther Glocester RI 415g Soule,CoomerII
1824 Tucker Timothy Glocester RI 415j Soule,CoomerII
1825 Carpenter Freelove NorthSmithfield RI 775a Soule,CoomerII
1825 Sweet Dr.Nathan Glocester RI 415g Soule,CoomerII
1826 Bradford ClarissaK. Glocester RI 415l Soule,CoomerII
1827 Smith Oliver Glocester RI 415a Soule,CoomerII
1827 Wade Joshua Glocester RI 415i Soule,CoomerII
1828 Sanders Sarah Glocester RI 415j Soule,CoomerII
1831 Bowen George Glocester RI 415i Soule,CoomerII
1832 Reynolds JamesMonroe Glocester RI 415d Soule,CoomerII
1834 Saunders Sarah Glocester RI 415o Soule,CoomerII
1835 Reynolds Capt.James Glocester RI 415d Soule,CoomerII
1839 Enches Parley NorthSmithfield RI 775b Soule,CoomerII
1806 Claflin Aaron Hopkinton MA 509 Thayer,Elisha

NOTE: The following 3 stones (from the list above) are “willow-only” stones (see pp. 543-44).

1821 Evans, Ira P.
1822 Evans, Charles
1823 Aldrich, Peter


The following stones are already in the spreadsheet database, but the carver is incorrect. For each of these, change “Johnson, William” to “Soule, Cady” – both in the Excel spreadsheet and in the pdf carver lists.

1825 Child, Joannah Woodstock, CT 1276
1827 Waters, William B. Stoughton, MA 1067
1828 Allen, Nancy Stoughton, MA 1067
1828 Shepard, Jesse Canton, MA 186
1828 Vose, Lydia Stoughton, MA 1067
1829 Barritt, Phinehas Thompson, CT 1125
1829 Bird, Isaac Stoughton, MA 1072
1829 Boyden, Elmira Ellis Walpole, MA 1165
1829 Carrell, Addelaide Stoughton, MA 1073
1829 Harlow, Lydia Sharon, MA 1027
1829 Mason, Lucinda Gill Canton, MA 186

(2) January 25, 2016


          Alvan was one of the 3 stonecarving sons of Bildad Washburn (Ira and Elias were the other two). He is mentioned in Volume I: pp. 227, 238, 402 (although his year of birth is incorrectly listed in one place as 1782 rather than 1792).
          When Bartlett Adams (already established in Portland, ME) left in 1812 – not for Virginia, as Ralph Tucker believed (which I relayed in Volume I, p. 238) but for New Gloucester, ME , as Ron Romano discovered (as I reported in Volume II, p. 622) – he left his Portland shop in the hands of Alvan Washburn.
          I was not able to identify any stones that may have been carved by Alvan Washburn while he was in Portland (although Ron Romano may now be able to do so). However, I did recently find a little more about Alvan’s later life.
          There is a record of marriage between Alvan Washburn and Margaret Noble in Hamilton County, Ohio on May 11, 1808. Yet this record is the very first in the book. From the third record on, the dates run from 1816; and so I would guess the recorded date of this marriage is an error, and it really took place closer to 1816, not 1808. (Margaret would have been only 11 in 1808, but 19 in 1816.)
          And so Alvan Washburn probably made his way from Portland, ME to Ohio sometime between 1814 (when Bartlett Adams resumed control of his shop) and 1816. It was shortly after 1814 that Alvan’s brother Elias Washburn began working with Adams in Portland.
          Alvan and his wife were in Cincinnati for the 1820 US Census: There is one male aged 26-45 and one female aged 16-25. In 1820, Alvan would have been 28 and Margaret would have been 23. In the 1830 Census, Alvan (and Margaret) are living in Clark (Clinton Co.), Ohio, about 30 miles NE of Cincinnati. In 1840, they are still in Clark, but a woman aged 60-69 is living with them (Margaret’s mother, perhaps). In 1850, Alvan, aged 57, “stonecutter,” with real property assets of $8000 is living with Margaret, aged 52. Alvan is listed as having been born in Massachusetts, while Margaret is listed as having been born in Pennsylvania. I was unable to locate Alvan in the 1860 or 1870 Census.
          The executor for Margaret Washburn’s estate in 1880 was James F. Noble. He was the son of William Noble (1772-1827) and Elizabeth Reeder. William was the son of Robert Noble (b1735 in Lancaster, PA). After Robert died, his widow Mary and her six children (all born in Pennsylvania, including her sons William and John, moved to near Franklin, OH. William and Elizabeth had at least six children: Louis Reeder Noble (1806-1830), Willam Pinckney Noble (1808-1835), John Edward Noble (1809-1846), Amelia Noble (1811; born in Kentucky), James F. Noble (1817-1897) and Nathan Miller Noble (1818-1863). Amelia was born in Henderson, Kentucky, while James and Nathan were born in Ohio.
          Was Margaret Noble a daughter of William Noble and Elizabeth Reeder? She was born in Pennsylvania in about 1797; but her widowed mother and three other siblings could have been all born in Pennsylvania before they made their move to Ohio. William was born in 1772 and therefore was certainly old enough to have had a daughter born in 1797.
          Yet Robert also had a brother John (b1735), who married Margaret Hathorn. They had at least three sons: Samuel, William and John (b1763). Any of these three sons could have had a daughter Margaret (b1797), named after her grandmother. John came to Ohio before 1800.
          Alvan Washburn recorded his will on May 24 1865 (in Clinton Co., OH). He left half of his 249 acres and all of his personal property to his wife Margaret (they apparently had no children), and the proceeds from auctioning off the other half of his land were left to Urbana University, between Columbus and Dayton, which was founded in 1850 by the followers of Emanuel Swedenborg, including John Chapman (also known as “Johnny Appleseed”).
          Alvan Washburn died on October 6, 1868, and was buried in the Masonic Cemetery in Lynchburg, Ohio. His wife Margaret’s probate was filed in Clinton Co., Ohio in December of 1880.
          The fact that Alvan Washburn was still a stonecutter in 1850 (where he is listed as such in the census), may indicate that he did indeed leave a body of gravestone work – in Maine and/or Ohio – that has yet to be identified. Perhaps the obelisk for William Noble (1827) in Cincinnati’s Spring Grove cemetery is his work. Noble was a relative of Alvan’s wife.

(3) June 3, 2016


          Judging both by the willows/urns and the lettering, the following 4 gravestones were carved by Ira Washburn (whom I discussed on pp. 185, 192, 597-99). All are in the Western Cemetery of Portland, ME:

1835 Jordan, Elizabeth Horton
1836 Knights, Helen Mar
1837 Sawyer, Samuel Waite
1838 Howell, Martha D.

          On p. 599, I suggested that Ira Washburn the stonecutter may have been the man of that name who died in Chelsea, MA in 1836. Given that the last two of these 4 stones are dated after 1836, this appears not to be the case.
          While I was not able to find any other record of Ira Washburn’s death, it appears that his widow Abigail Washburn was in the 1855 MA state census in Boston’s 3rd Ward. At age 55 (born in 1800), she was living with Abigail Hanson, age 30 (born in 1825), and William Hanson, age 7. In the 1865 MA state census, all three individuals are still living together in Boston (the 1st Ward). Abigail Hanson was probably Ira and Abigail Washburn’s daughter. Ira and Abigail also had a son Daniel, born in about 1826. Abigail Washburn, daughter of Moses Emerson and Abigail Allen, died in Cambridge, MA on August 18, 1876.
          So Ira Washburn must have died between 1838 (the date on the last of his gravestones I was able to find) and 1855.

(4) June 16, 2016


          On p. 41 of Vol. I, I noted that Richard Adams was still in Boston in 1824 with a property “vs. the Charles River Bridge.” At the time, Ira Washburn was working for him. In 1829, Washburn was still on Prince Street (where Adams also had his residence) and was taxed with John Taylor, journeyman stonecutter (or was Taylor holding Washburn’s property for him while Washburn was away?).
          I have since discovered that Richard Adams and John Taylor may have been in competition with one another briefly. Adams and Tayor had separate but simultaneous advertisements for their shops at the Charles River Bridge in July 1829 Boston Advertiser:

These dueling ads lasted for a couple months, but then Taylor moved to New Bedford in June of 1830. In 1834, Taylor is still at the same shop, but is an “agent” for a John Perkins.
          It’s possible that Ira Washburn went up to Portland just before 1829. But when Taylor opened his Charlestown shop, Adams may not have yet liquidated his own there and had to stave off the competition from Taylor. Taylor appears to have been forced out by this, moving to New Bedford soon after. Adams probably moved to Maine in about 1831.

(5) June 17, 2016


          I had surmised that Ebenezer Soule was always an employee of others – of Richard Adams in Charlestown, then Alpheus Cary, Jr. of Boston, then Eliphalet Dame in Newburyport, then (after Dame died in about 1823), Abel and Nathaniel Davis in Newburyport. Abel Davis was certainly in Newburyport from at least December of 1824, when he married there. He probably acquired Dame’s shop, for they were both on Merrimac Street. But I found an advertisement placed by Ebenezer Soule III in the 26 May 1826 issue of the Newburyport Herald, with an address on Titcomb St. -- indicating his independent status:

          This should not be a surprise, for Ebenezer Soule was paid for gravestones in probate payments 7 times, dated 1823, 1824, 1825, 1827(2), 1828 and 1829. Soule also signed a stone dated 1827 “E. Soule.”
          Yet there is also evidence that Soule worked with the Davis brothers: There is a stone dated 1824 that was carved by Soule, inscribed by Abel Davis and signed by Abel & Nathaniel Davis. This must be backdated, since Nathaniel didn’t arrive in Newburyport until 1826. There is also another stone dated 1829 that was carved by Soule, but inscribed by Abel Davis.
          It’s difficult to interpret the connection between Soule and the Davis shop. Was it an off-again/on-again employment? Or an occasional collaboration?

ALSO: In the September 16, 1845 issue of the Newburyport Herald, the death of Ebenezer Soule “at the Alms-House,” aged 60, is recorded. He was therefore probably without family at the time, and destitute.

(6) July 10, 2016


          In chapter 2, which focused on the 3rd and 4th generations of the Lamson family of stonecutters who resided in Charlestown, MA, I included a short addendum (pp. 88-91) on two members of the family who came to live in Connecticut. The second generation Nathaniel and Caleb Lamson I had a brother William (1694-1755) who moved to Stratford, CT in 1717. William’s son William Jr. was born in Statford in 1719 and probably died in New Milford, CT in1795. There was at least one probate payment for gravestones to a William Lamson, for a Stratford resident who died in 1751. This stone was not located.
          Besides a set of red sandstone markers (I listed 39 of these) that may well have been carved by William Jr. (a set that Ralph Tucker also attributed to him), I also suggested that an earlier set of different stones (I listed 20, about half of them in Stratford), may have been carved by William Sr. The dates on this smaller set do not extend beyond the 1740s.
          I only just recently discovered, however, that Theodore Chase and Laurel Gabel (1997 [1990]; see bibliography in my Vol. II) had attributed at least some of the stones of this type to the early Boston stonecutter John Gaud (1693-1750).
          I suggested that William Lamson, Sr. may have carved the stone for Elizabeth Hull (1738) in Derby, CT. This is Fig 2.114 in Vol. II (used with permission by Steven Smith). Yet Chase & Gabel reported that the stone for Joseph Beard (1732) in Milford, CT was specifically probated to John Gaud. See the findagrave image at: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/find-a-grave-prod/photos/2011/106/23232950_130306809819.jpg Although a little difficult to make out, the details on the Beard stone (especially the lettering!) are a good match to those on the Hull marker. This is enough for me to retract my original suggestion that William Lamson, Sr. may have carved the stones of this set. Given the number of these stones in Stratford, where William and his son were living, however, we can wonder whether Gaud and Lamson may have has an association.
          Chase and Gabel’s article does not have an image of the Beard stone, and I was initially suspicious of giving the set of 20 stones I noted to Gaud, given the fact that the stones Chase & Gabel do show have the skulls’ wing-tips rather flat on the tympanum, have little decoration over the skull and rather prosaic borders – whereas the 20 Connecticut stones I noted have wing-tips that curl up, greater decoration over the skull and somewhat more ornate borders. Also, the Gaud examples in Boston appear to have capitals-only lettering, while some Connecticut stones have lower case as well. Yet this could be explained by the fact that this was a somewhat later period of Gaud's style, and he could have altered it in this way. (I should note that Chase and Gabel reported that they had identified about 150 of such stones.)
          It is interesting, by the way, that William Lamson Jr.’s production begins as Gaud’s ends. Yet William Jr.’s designs resemble those of other Lamson carvers who shipped their stones to Connnecticut from Charlestown rather than Gaud’s. That is, William Jr. could have easily copied his two uncles' styles from the stones that were all around him in this area of Connecticut.
          It all comes down to the probated Beard stone – which is quite like those in the set of 20.
          What about the fact that the gravestone for John Gaud himself was itself one of the group attributed to John Gaud? There are other cases of a carver's own stone having been carved by him before his death and then lettered by someone else. The fact that the lettering on the stone for John Gaud's stone is not John Gaud's, in fact, is more evidence that it was John Gaud who carved the entire set.
          The fact that the life spans of William Lamson Sr. and John Gaud were almost identical, and the fact that many of these stones were found in Stratford, CT (where William Lamson Sr. resided) combined to lead me to an erroneous supposition. I can only hope that there are no more such errors in Volume II.
          You should, by the way, change the carver ascription for this set of 20 stones listed in the spreadsheet database and the carver lists from "Lamson, William Sr." to "Gaud, John."

(7) July 19, 2016


          In the course of my research for Volume II, I concentrated on burial grounds likely to have the work of the specific carvers I was targeting. Yet I could not revisit, certainly, all of the 3500 burial grounds noted in the gravestone database of over 22,000 stones.
          While I was fortunate to able to rely on the Find A Grave website to fill in many blanks, I did neglect some areas. I did not personally, for example, return to Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard to check more carefully what the extent of the Soule family’s contribution there. And I simply forgot to check Find A Grave for Soule stones on the two islands.
          What I provide here, therefore, are an additional 100 stones on the islands not contained in the spreadsheet database accompanying Volume II. About 70 of this total were carved by 3 Soules: Beza Sr. (49), Ebenezer Jr. (19) and Asaph (3). There are also 11 John Homer stones.
          (Please see the instructions for adding these entries that I provided at the beginning of this series of updates at (1) JUNE, 2015)

1791 Coffin John Edgartown MA 350 Soule,BezaSr.
1766 Cooke John Edgartown MA 350 Soule,BezaSr.
1764 Cooke Temple Edgartown MA 350 Soule,BezaSr.
1775 Daggett Timothy Edgartown MA 350 Soule,BezaSr.
1778 Kingsbury Rev.Samuel Edgartown MA 350 Soule,BezaSr.
1783 Norton Bayes Edgartown MA 350 Soule,BezaSr.
1772 Norton Deborah Edgartown MA 350 Soule,BezaSr.
1769 Norton Ebenezer Edgartown MA 350 Soule,BezaSr.
1779 Norton Matthew Edgartown MA 350 Homer,John
1793 Coffin Capt.Benjamin Edgartown MA 351 Soule,BezaSr.
1783 Coffin Hepzibah Edgartown MA 351 Soule,BezaSr.
1794 Jernegan Mary Edgartown MA 351 Soule,BezaSr.
1793 Kelley John Edgartown MA 351 Soule,BezaSr.
1784 Kelley Lemuel Edgartown MA 351 Soule,BezaSr.
1794 Mayhew Lucy Edgartown MA 351 Soule,BezaSr.
1784 Norton Barnabas Edgartown MA 351 Homer,John
1792 Norton Dea,PeterCosens Edgartown MA 351 Soule,BezaSr.
1804 Norton Sarah Edgartown MA 351 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1805 Osborn Olive Edgartown MA 351 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1788 Peas Anna Edgartown MA 351 Soule,BezaSr.
1794 Peas Clement Edgartown MA 351 Soule,BezaSr.
1781 Vinson Mary Edgartown MA 351 Homer,John
1795 Davis Melatiah OakBluffs MA 800 Soule,BezaSr.
1793 Davis Molly OakBluffs MA 800 Soule,BezaSr.
1801 Norton Capt.Samuel OakBluffs MA 800 Soule,Asaph
1777 Smith Jane OakBluffs MA 800 Soule,BezaSr.
1787 Manter George OakBluffs MA 800 Soule,BezaSr.
1802 Cottle Catharine WestTisbury MA 1218 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1789 Cottle Jemima WestTisbury MA 1218 Soule,BezaSr.
1774 Cottle William WestTisbury MA 1218 Soule,BezaSr.
1784 Luce Mathew WestTisbury MA 1218 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1791 Butler Abigail Tisbury MA 1128 Homer,John
1803 Cottle Shubael Tisbury MA 1128 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1807 Manter Sereny Tisbury MA 1128 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1802 Newcomb JosephD. Tisbury MA 1128 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1784 Norton Winthrop Tisbury MA 1128 Soule,BezaSr.
1789 West Elizabeth Tisbury MA 1128 Soule,BezaSr.
1786 Windstone Marcy Tisbury MA 1128 Soule,BezaSr.
1800 Winslow Elizabeth Tisbury MA 1128 ThompsonIsaacJr.
1805 Dunham Polly Tisbury MA 1129a Soule,EbenezerJr.
1791 Holmes Elizabeth Tisbury MA 1129a Soule,BezaSr.
1795 Holmes John Tisbury MA 1129a Soule,BezaSr.
1789 Barrett Rebecah Nantucket MA 702 Homer,John
1797 Barrett Sarah Nantucket MA 702 Fox,Horace
1795 Barrett Dr.John Nantucket MA 702 Homer,John
1802 Brock Nabby Nantucket MA 702 Hodgdon,Benjamin
1805 Coffin Shubael Nantucket MA 702 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1804 Coggeshall Elizabeth Nantucket MA 702 Soule,Asaph
1803 Coggeshall Nancy Nantucket MA 702 Soule,Asaph
1799 Folger Paul Nantucket MA 702 Bennett,William
1802 Gardner Lydia Nantucket MA 702 Bennett,William
1782 Nash Ellinor Nantucket MA 702 Geyer,HenryChristian
1799 Raymond Eunice Nantucket MA 702 Bennett,William
1770 Shaw Bezaleel Nantucket MA 702 Hayward,Nathan
1784 Allen Jonathan Chilmark MA 232 Geyer,JohnJustSr.
1778 Allen Margaret Chilmark MA 232 Soule,BezaSr.
1797 Allen Paience Chilmark MA 232 Bennett,William
1778 Claghorn Experience Chilmark MA 232 Soule,BezaSr.
1801 Hillman Samuel Chilmark MA 232 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1791 Mayhew Dea.Nathaniel Chilmark MA 232 Soule,BezaSr.
1761 Mayhew Pain Chilmark MA 232 Lamson,JosephII
1775 Mayhew Zacheus Chilmark MA 232 Soule,BezaSr.
1740 Tillton Ruth Chilmark MA 232 Bennett, William
1781 Allen Bartlet WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1791 Allen Benjamin WestTisbury MA 1221 Fowle,Robert
1791 Allen Dinah WestTisbury MA 1221 Homer,John
1796 Athearn Abijah WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1784 Athearn Jethro WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1778 Athearn Mary WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1792 Case Barnard WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1757 Cathcart Joseph WestTisbury MA 1221 Lamson,JosephII
1786 Cottle Capt.Samuel WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1760 Cottle Susanna WestTisbury MA 1221 Emmes,Henry
1793 Foster WilliamJr. WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1790 Gray Isaiah WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1794 Hancock Freeman WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1774 Hancock Nathaniel WestTisbury MA 1221 Homer,John
1783 Hancock Sarah WestTisbury MA 1221 Homer,John
1800 Cook Elijah WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1798 Cook Joanna WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1803 Cook Job WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1773 Cook Jonathan WestTisbury MA 1221 Homer,John
1791 Luce Charles WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1788 Luce Jemima WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1786 Luce John WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1801 Luce Stephen WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1796 Manter Col.Benjamin WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1765 Manter Jabez WestTisbury MA 1221 Lamson,JosephII
1797 Manter John WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1790 Manter Miriam WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1788 Manter Tabitha WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1781 Mantor Whitten WestTisbury MA 1221 Homer,John
1788 Morse Deidamia WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1796 Morse Elsworth WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,BezaSr.
1784 Norris Peter WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1793 Norton FrancisJr. WestTisbury MA 1221 LamsonCalebII
1797 Rogers William WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1755 Waldron Mary WestTisbury MA 1221 Soule,EbenezerJr.

(8) August 21, 2016


          In Vol. I, I discussed George T. Hope (c1781-1826) and (his brother?) Robert Hope (c1772-1818), two Boston stonecutters born in England. Early in their careers, they probably both spent some time in the shop of Bartlett Adams (1776-1828) in Portland, ME.
          In Vol. II (p. 611), I noted the stone Robert Hope carved in Portland for his two infant children: Robert A. Hope (died in Virginia in 1802) and William I. Hope (died in Portland in 1806). (The image of this stone [IV.45] was supplied to me by Ron Romano.)
          I recently came across an online site of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation that lists the 100 free workmen employed by Jefferson at Monticello. The list included a Robert Hope, stonemason, 1803 (as well as a Michael Hope, stonemason, 1802-1805).

(9) September 29, 2016


          I noted on p. 14 that George Ludwig Geyer was paid for gravestones from the estate of Joseph Houghton, who died in 1777. This was the only probate payment for gravestones to George Ludwig that I found. I was unable to find the gravestone for Joseph Houghton. I did note, however, that George Ludwig did carve the stone for Joseph Houghton’s second wife, Ruth (Vose) Houghton, who died in 1772.
          Given that I ascribed no stones to George Ludwig dated between 1772 and 1777, I should have considered another possibility – that the stone for which George Ludwig was paid in Joseph Houghton’s probate wasn’t Joseph’s own gravestone, but his wife Ruth Houghton’s. That is, it’s possible that Joseph Houghton hadn’t paid George Ludwig for Ruth’s stone in 1772, but that this outstanding debt was settled in Joseph’s probate in 1777. This would mean, therefore, that George Ludwig stopped carving gravestones altogether in 1772 (he has five stones dated that year).
          I have also come across another of George Ludwig Geyer’s stones – that for Sarah Hixson (1769) in the Chestnut Hill cemetery (code 1027) in Sharon, MA.

(10) December 7, 2016


          I recently acquired the 2 DVDs that accompany John Sterling’s Newport Rhode Island Colonial Burial Grounds (2009), available from the Rhode Island Genealogical Society. These provide images of 8500 gravestones – the vast majority from Newport’s Common Burying Ground (my code 744). This allowed me to identify 30 additional stones carved by men whose work I analyzed in Volume II, but which are not included in the Excel spreadsheet database accompanying Volume II:
Henry Emmes (14 stones); Samuel Tingley, Jr. (10 stones), Franklin Cooley (4 stones), Joseph J. Fenner (1 stone), and William Throop (1 stone).

In addition, I changed the attribution of the stone for Judith Luther (1821) from Richard Adams to Ira Washburn.

          You can add these stones to the Excel spreadsheet database in the way I instructed for entry (1) of this list of additions/corrections (see above).

1759 Chapman George Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1760 Crapon Anne Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1760 Langley Nathaniel Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1763 Cato Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1763 Chapman Martha Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1763 Langley Elizabeth Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1763 Morgan John Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1763 Mumford Sarah Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1764 Billings John Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1764 Lyndon Samuel Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1764 Viall Robert Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1765 Brown John Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1765 Hayward Catherine Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1765 Langley Catherine Newport RI 744 Emmes,Henry
1794 Rogers Capt.Jonathan Newport RI 744 Throop,William
1800 Yates Mary Newport RI 744 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1801 Langley Lucina Newport RI 744 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1801 Lyndon Prisciller Newport RI 744 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1802 Wenwood Mary Newport RI 744 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1803 Mayberry Jacob Newport RI 744 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1803 Mayberry John Newport RI 744 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1804 Greene Abigail Newport RI 744 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1805 Clarke Joseph Newport RI 744 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1814 Tilley Thomas Newport RI 744 Cooley,Franklin
1815 Downs Samuel Newport RI 744 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1819 Haley Thomas Newport RI 744 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1820 Springer John Newport RI 744 Cooley,Franklin
1824 Langley John Newport RI 744 Cooley,Franklin
1828 Cox Capt.George Newport RI 744 Fenner,JosephJ.
1834 Langley George Newport RI 744 Cooley,Franklin

NOTE: Notice that 6 of these entries at the bottom of the list are italicized. This indicates that these stones were signed by the carvers they're attributed to. However, when you copy this list to add it to the Excel spreadsheet database, this italicization will not be preserved. You will have to italicize them yourself in the Excel database after you transfer them there.
Also, please change the carver of the stone for Judith Luther (1821) from Richard Adams to Ira Washburn.

(11) December 11, 2016


          In the April 11, 1846 issue of the Trumpet and Universalist Magazine, we find this informative obituary of Ivory Soule:

(12) December 15, 2016


          In the course of my research for Volume II, I concentrated on burial grounds likely to have the work of the specific carvers I was targeting. Yet I could not revisit, certainly, all of the 3500 burial grounds noted in the gravestone database of over 22,000 stones. I was fortunate to able to rely on the Find A Grave website to fill in many blanks; yet even here, I did not re-check all Find A Grave burial grounds before I sent Volume II to the printer. What I provide here are 43 additional stones from Mt. Zion cemetery in Whitman, MA. These were carved by: Cyrus Pratt (26), Seth Jones Pratt (9), Ebenezer Rawson (2) , Cephas Thompson (1), Bildad Washburn (1) – all discussed in Volume I – and also Michael Gallagher (2), Abraham Codner (1) and Shubael Treat (1) – all discussed in Volume II.
          (Please see the instructions for adding these entries to the Excel database that I provided at the beginning of this series of updates at (1) JUNE, 2015)

1775 Beal Caleb Whitman MA 1255 Codner,Abraham
1783 Hobart Desire Whitman MA 1255 Washburn,Bildad
1789 Porter Esther Whitman MA 1255 Thompson,Cephas
1794 Bennett Moley Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,SethJones
1802 Gurney Rebecca Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,SethJones
1803 Bates Eleazer Whitman MA 1255 Rawson,Ebenezer
1804 Gurney Lemuel Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,SethJones
1805 Dyer Samuel Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,SethJones
1805 Gurney Mary Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,SethJones
1805 Torrey Ruth Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,SethJones
1806 Reed Stephen Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1806 Gurney Zenas Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,SethJones
1806 White Nancy Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,SethJones
1806 Hobart Jacob Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1807 Hearsey Joseph Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,SethJones
1807 Whitman Dea.Eleazer Whitman MA 1255 Rawson,Ebenezer
1808 Porter David Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1810 Green Mary Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1811 Gurney Rozanda Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1811 Gurney Mary Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1811 Norton Noah Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1813 Hersey Delphia Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1813 Dyer PhebeG. Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1813 Hersey SarahAnn Whitman MA 1255 Treat,Shubael
1814 Whitman Abigail Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1814 Bates Christopher Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1816 Bates Mary Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1817 Dyer Betsy Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1817 Bates Christopher Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1819 Gurney David Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1819 Hobart Jonathan Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1819 Brown Betsey Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1820 Bares Nahum Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1822 Gurney Rebekah Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1822 Gurney John Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1826 Bates Samuel Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1826 Corthell Hannah Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1829 Torrey Ruth Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1829 Gurney John Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1830 Porter Sarah Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1842 Gurney Seth Whitman MA 1255 Pratt,Cyrus
1843 Porter Molly Whitman MA 1255 Gallagher,Michael
1843 Porter Suse Whitman MA 1255 Gallagher,Michael

(13) January 11, 2017


          In the course of my research for Volume II, I concentrated on burial grounds likely to have the work of the specific carvers I was targeting. Yet I could not revisit, certainly, all of the 3500 burial grounds noted in the gravestone database of over 22,000 stones. I was fortunate to able to rely on the Find A Grave website to fill in many blanks; yet even here, I did not re-check all Find A Grave burial grounds before I sent Volume II to the printer. What I provide here are 173 additional stones from Vine Lake cemetery in Medfield, MA. These were carved by:

Michael Gallagher (34), Beza Soule Jr. (33), Daniel Hastings (23), David Allen Burt (15), John Dwight (13), Isaiah Cushman Soule (13), William Johnson (12), Charles Ellis (7), Henry Christian Geyer (7), Levi Maxcy (5), Alpheus Cary Jr. (2), Elisha Thayer (2), Samuel Fisher Sr. (1), Abel Moore (1), Benjamin K. Park (1), Cyrus Pratt (1), H. C. Runnels (1), Ebenezer Soule Jr. (1) and Theodore & Samuel Warren (1). All except Fisher, Park and Runnels were discussed in Volume II. Alpheus Cary was discussed in Volumes I and II.

(Please review the instructions for adding these entries to the Excel database that I provided at the beginning of this series of updates at (1) JUNE, 2015)

1691 Willson Rev.John Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1768 Harding Simon Medfield MA 653 Fisher,SamuelSr.
1770 Bullen Elisha Medfield MA 653 Geyer,HenryChristian
1770 Bullen Ruth Medfield MA 653 Geyer,HenryChristian
1772 Plimpton Asabel Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1773 Harding ElezarBulard Medfield MA 653 Geyer,HenryChristian
1774 Adams Lydia Medfield MA 653 Geyer,HenryChristian
1774 Adams Margaret Medfield MA 653 Geyer,HenryChristian
1776 Dwight Seth Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1776 Ellis Mary Medfield MA 653 Geyer,HenryChristian
1776 Morse Sarah Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1776 Pratt Abigail Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1776 West Priscilla Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1777 Adams Ezekiel Medfield MA 653 Maxcy,Levi
1777 Morse Rebecka Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1778 Coolidge Nathan Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1778 Ellis Samuel Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1778 Morse Nathaniel Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1779 Ellis Samuel Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1779 Plimpton Czarina Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1780 Ellis Elisabeth Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1781 Adams Prudence Medfield MA 653 Geyer,HenryChristian
1781 Cobb Mary Medfield MA 653 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1781 Plimpton Nathan Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1782 Adams Henry Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1782 Morse John Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1784 Perry Joseph Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1785 Adams Jemima Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1787 Adams Henry Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1787 Adams Nathan Medfield MA 653 Maxcy,Levi
1789 Wight Hannah Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1790 Fisher John Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1791 Coolidge Sarah Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1792 Clark Asa Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1793 Chernery Taphath Medfield MA 653 Maxcy,Levi
1793 Harding Henry Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1793 Wight Hannah Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1794 Adams Nathan Medfield MA 653 Maxcy,Levi
1794 Ellis Martha Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1794 Penniman Thankful Medfield MA 653 Maxcy,Levi
1796 Ellis Meriel Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1796 Plympton Capt.Sylvanus Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1797 Clark Caty Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1797 Fisher Catherine Medfield MA 653 Hastings,Daniel
1799 Peters Hannah Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1800 Albee Sarah Medfield MA 653 Moore,Abel
1800 Clark Mary Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1801 Clark Jacob Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1801 Ellis Nathan Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1801 Wight Lois Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1802 Bullen Moses Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1802 Smith John Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1804 Adams Jeremiah Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1804 Clark Drusilla Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1804 Coolidge Mary Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1805 Cheney Hephzibah Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1805 Clark Seth Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1805 Partridge Nathan Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1805 Pratt Polly Medfield MA 653 Thayer,Elisha
1805 Smith Titus Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1805 Wheelock Abigail Medfield MA 653 Dwight,John
1806 Clark David Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1806 Smith Martha Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1807 Allen Jonathan Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1807 Chenery Elihu Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1807 Howe Olive Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1807 Plimpton Thankful Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1808 Ellis George Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1808 Ellis Oliver Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1808 Hamant Francis Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1808 Harding Nathan Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1808 Plimton Amos Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1808 Pratt Horace Medfield MA 653 Thayer,Elisha
1809 Clark Sophia Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1810 Cheney Timothy Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1810 Clark Thankful Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1810 Morse Elizabeth Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1810 Wight Prudence Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1811 Clark Olive Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1811 Hamant Emeline Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1812 Pratt John Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1813 Chenery Dinah Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1813 Ellis Dorcas Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1813 Peters Adam Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1814 Wight Adams Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1815 Tisdale Billings Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1816 Chenery Capt.Ephraim Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1816 Clark Joseph Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1816 Peters Margaret Medfield MA 653 Pratt,Cyrus
1816 Plimton Abigail Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1816 Pratt Shubuel Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1816 Smith Drusilla Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1817 Plimpton Olive Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1817 Plimpton Silas Medfield MA 653 Ellis,Charles
1817 Pratt Nabby Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1819 Ellis Obed Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1820 Chenery Martha Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1820 Cheney LemuelH. Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1820 Cheney SybilC. Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1820 Gammel Mary Medfield MA 653 DavidAllenBurt(shop)
1820 Smith Seth Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1821 Allen Finis Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1821 Bullin Caroline Medfield MA 653 Ellis,Charles
1822 Plympton Persis Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1822 Smith Jemima Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1823 Ellis Sarah Medfield MA 653 Soule,BezaJr.
1824 Fisher Paul Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1824 Plimpton Elizabeth Medfield MA 653 Ellis,Charles
1825 Allen Molly Medfield MA 653 Soule,IsaiahCushman
1825 Balch EnochH. Medfield MA 653 Ellis,Charles
1826 Adams HenrySmith Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1826 Cleveland Eunice Medfield MA 653 Ellis,Charles
1827 Cleveland Zimri Medfield MA 653 Ellis,Charles
1829 Smith Abigail Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1829 Wight Moses Medfield MA 653 Ellis,Charles
1830 Clark Caroline Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1830 Ellis Mary Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1830 Fairbanks John Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1830 Morse Joseph Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1830 Smith Hannah Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1831 Allen FannyLane Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1831 Chenery Simeon Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1831 Plympton Caroline Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1831 Turner FrancisA. Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1832 Chenery Oliver Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1832 Cleavland Harriet Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1833 Bigelow WilliamT. Medfield MA 653 Park,BenjaminK.
1834 Drown Rhoda Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1834 Fairbanks Joseph Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1834 Kingsbury HenryRichardson Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1835 Allen James Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1835 Balch ClarissaSmith Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1835 Cheney Theron Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1835 Kingsbury Lydia Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1836 Brett Uriah Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1837 Balch ChloeSmith Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1840 Fisher Priscilla Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1840 Smith AlpheusB. Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1841 Plimpton CarolineA. Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen
1842 Smith Aaron Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1843 Adams GeorgeF. Medfield MA 653 Warren,Theodore&Samuel
1843 Peters William Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1843 Smith Daniel Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1843 Smith John Medfield MA 653 Johnson,William
1844 Ellis Margaret Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1844 Fisher Obed Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1845 Wight Capt.Amos Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1846 Chenery Elizabeth Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1846 Davis WilliamPrentiss Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1846 Mason Abner Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1846 Smith Mary Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1846 Turner Calvin Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1847 Thayer Amos Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen
1848 Onion Caroline Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1849 Whitehead Charlotte Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1849 Wight Margaret Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1853 Chenery GeorgeFrederick Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen
1853 Smith MaryC, Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1854 Chenery Julia Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1854 Cheney Priscilla Medfield MA 653 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1854 Howard Caleb Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen
1855 Allen Harriet Medfield MA 653 Gallagher,Michael
1855 Smith Caty Medfield MA 653 Runnels,H.C.
1862 Chenery Esther Medfield MA 653 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1862 Chenery Capt.Seth Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen
1863 Chenery Julia Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen
1864 Chenery FranklinArtemas Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen
1864 Smith LoisHall Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen
1864 Turner JohnA. Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen
1865 Morse Adam Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen
1871 Chenery Warren Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen
1876 Peters Mary Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen(shop)
1883 Ellis Willard Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen(shop)
1886 Chenery JaneBrown Medfield MA 653 Burt,DavidAllen(shop)

          Notice that 8 of these entries are italicized. This indicates that these stones were signed by the carvers they're attributed to. Also, 4 of the entries are in bold. This indicates that these carvers were paid by name in the probate records of the deceased. However, when you copy this list to add it to the Excel spreadsheet database, the italic and bold features will not be preserved. You will have to add these features yourself in the Excel database after you transfer them there.

(14) January 12, 2017


          In the course of my research for Volume II, I concentrated on burial grounds likely to have the work of the specific carvers I was targeting. Yet I could not revisit, certainly, all of the 3500 burial grounds noted in the gravestone database of over 22,000 stones. I was fortunate to able to rely on the Find A Grave website to fill in many blanks; yet even here, I did not re-check all Find A Grave burial grounds before I sent Volume II to the printer. What I provide here are 18 additional stones from Vernon Grove cemetery in Milford, MA. This was a cemetery I never visited. These were carved by:

Coomer Soule II (8), Levi Maxcy (7), Calvin Darby (1), Daniel Hastings (1), Isaiah Cushman Soule (1).

          The entry for Adam Chapin (1832) is italicized, indicating that this stone was signed by the carver Calvin Darby.

          The cemetery code is 686a.

          I should note that the stone for Abel Albee (1817), carved by Coomer Soule II, includes a small face on the knob at the top of the urn lid. This is now the latest occurrence of a face on Coomer II's stones.
          (Please review the instructions for adding these entries to the Excel database that I provided at the beginning of this series of updates at (1) JUNE, 2015)

1776 Gage Patience Milford MA 686a Soule,CoomerII
1788 Chapin Dea.Joseph Milford MA 686a Hastings,Daniel
1788 Jones Mary Milford MA 686a Maxcy,Levi
1788 Jones Laban Milford MA 686a Maxcy,Levi
1788 Parkhurst Abigail Milford MA 686a Maxcy,Levi
1790 Ball Sarah Milford MA 686a Maxcy,Levi
1791 Ball Sarah Milford MA 686a Maxcy,Levi
1791 Jones Keziah Milford MA 686a Maxcy,Levi
1792 Jones Abraham Milford MA 686a Maxcy,Levi
1795 Walker Sarah Milford MA 686a Soule,CoomerII
1801 Jones Parkhurst Milford MA 686a Maxcy,Levi
1808 Chapin Anna Milford MA 686a Soule,CoomerII
1813 Chapin Lydia Milford MA 686a Soule,IsaiahCushman
1814 Chapin WilliamS. Milford MA 686a Soule,CoomerII
1817 Albee Abel Milford MA 686a Soule,CoomerII
1819 Gage Mary Milford MA 686a Soule,CoomerII
1832 Chapin Adam Milford MA 686a Darby,Calvin
1835 Sweet BeriahC. Milford MA 686a Soule,CoomerII

(15) January 13, 2017


cemetery code #162 = First Parish
cemetery code #163 = Leach
cemetery code #164 = Ashland
cemetery code #166 = Snell
cemetery code #167 = Thayer

1759 Thayer Susanna Brockton MA 162 Hayward,Nathan
1767 Packard Hannah Brockton MA 162 Hayward,Nathan
1767 Porter David Brockton MA 162 Hayward,Nathan
1775 Packard Mercy Brockton MA 162 Washburn,Bildad
1775 Packard Zaccheus Brockton MA 162 Washburn,Bildad
1789 Packard Mehitabel Brockton MA 162 Washburn,Bildad
1791 Howard Capt.Joseph Brockton MA 162 Adams,Bartlett
1792 Brett Simeon Brockton MA 162 Thompson,Cephas
1792 Howard Susanna Brockton MA 162 Adams,Bartlett
1791 Lincoln Content Brockton MA 162 New,James
1794 Lincoln Charles Brockton MA 162 New,James
1795 Thompson John Brockton MA 162 Washburn,Bildad
1799 Perkins Abigail Brockton MA 162 Pratt,SethJones
1800 Kingman Abigail Brockton MA 162 Washburn,Bildad
1802 Perkins Lt.Jonathan Brockton MA 162 Pratt,SethJones
1804 Keith Mary Brockton MA 162 Washburn,Bildad
1809 Kingman Matthew Brockton MA 162 Rawson,Ebenezer
1815 Snow Hannah Brockton MA 162 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1820 Howard Silas Brockton MA 162 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1820 Snow Anna Brockton MA 162 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1822 Kingman Jane Brockton MA 162 Leonard,BarneyJr.
1836 Groves Jenny Brockton MA 162 Gallagher,Michael
1843 Kingman Seth Brockton MA 162 Gallagher,Michael
1846 Brett Simeon Brockton MA 162 Gallagher,Michael
1793 Smith Abigail Brockton MA 163 Adams,Bartlett
1794 Warren Ebenezer Brockton MA 163 Washburn,Bildad
1795 Edson Dea.David Brockton MA 163 Washburn,Bildad
1804 Smith Ruth Brockton MA 163 Turner,John
1816 Dike Mary Brockton MA 163 Pratt,Cyrus
1808 Edson James Brockton MA 163 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1809 Shaw William Brockton MA 163 Pratt,Cyrus
1810 Warren SimeonJr. Brockton MA 163 Pratt,Cyrus
1820 Edson Josiah Brockton MA 163 Pratt,Cyrus
1824 Edson Daniel Brockton MA 163 Washburn,Elias
1824 Warren Ebenezer Brockton MA 163 Pratt,Cyrus
1826 Warren Eunice Jane Brockton MA 163 Pratt,Cyrus
1828 Burrell John Brockton MA 163 Washburn,Elias
1837 Ames Sarah Fuller Brockton MA 163 Gallagher,Michael
1837 Fullarton William Brockton MA 163 Johnson,William
1839 Ames Joel Brockton MA 163 Gallagher,Michael
1843 Edson Olinthe Brockton MA 163 Gallagher,Michael
1844 Leach JacobS. Brockton MA 163 Gallagher,Michael
1847 Fullerton Mary Brockton MA 163 Gallagher,Michael
1774 Packard Marcy Brockton MA 164 Hastings,Daniel
1788 Packard Seth Brockton MA 164 Adams,Bartlett
1791 Richards Mary Brockton MA 164 Adams,Bartlett
1793 Packard Capt.Josiah Brockton MA 164 Adams,Bartlett
1795 French Damaris Brockton MA 164 Savery,Lemuel
1797 Porter Robert Brockton MA 164 Treat,Shubael
1803 Howard Olive Brockton MA 164 Marble,John
1808 Howard Robert Brockton MA 164 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1812 Wild Elizabeth Brockton MA 164 Rawson,Ebenezer
1813 Howard Barnabas Brockton MA 164 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1813 Howard Mehitabel Brockton MA 164 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1814 Ames Timothy Brockton MA 164 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1815 Packard Ames Brockton MA 164 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1816 Cary Huldah Brockton MA 164 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1817 Alden Eunice Brockton MA 164 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1817 Howard Susanna Brockton MA 164 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1819 Howard Vesta Brockton MA 164 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1821 Howard Daniel Brockton MA 164 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1822 Porter Elizabeth Brockton MA 164 Wood,EbenezerSr.
1825 Holbrook RobertSr. Brockton MA 164 Gallagher,Michael
1837 Alden Hosea Brockton MA 164 Gallagher,Michael
1837 Packard Cyrus Brockton MA 164 Gallagher,Michael
1840 Holbrook Vesta Brockton MA 164 Gallagher,Michael
1842 Howard Gideon Brockton MA 164 Gallagher,Michael
1844 Howard Silence Brockton MA 164 Gallagher,Michael
1845 Howard Oliver Brockton MA 164 Gallagher,Michael
1820 Snell Issachar Brockton MA 166 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1824 Snell Sarah Brockton MA 166 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1837 Thayer Samuel Brockton MA 166 Johnson,William
1838 Thayer OliveP. Brockton MA 166 Johnson,William
1817 Atherton Isaac Brockton MA 167 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1819 Snell Zachariah Brockton MA 167 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1822 Snell Patty Brockton MA 167 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1825 Thayer Micah Brockton MA 167 Washburn,Elias
1826 Snell Mehitable Brockton MA 167 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1844 Thayer RufusH. Brockton MA 167 Gallagher,Michael
1850 Reynolds OliveEmma Brockton MA 167 Gallagher,Michael

(16) January 18, 2017


          My treatment in Volume I focused on the resident carvers of Plymouth, Kingston and Cape Cod. Now that Volume II has appeared, I am backtracking to the burial grounds I initially canvassed for Volume I, looking for the work of carvers I examined in Volume II (or stones relevant to Volume I, but missed). Many new relevant stones can be added to the database in these (mainly Volume I) burial grounds.

          For example, I singled out only 3 gravestones in Volume I from the Congregational Chapel cemetery in Marshfield, MA. I now add the following 37 stones from this cemetery, carved by:

Washburn, Bildad (13)
Hiram Tribble (8) [1 signed]
Michael Gallagher (4) [1 signed]
William Hudson Soule (4)
Lewis Johnson (3) [2 signed]
Alpheus Cary, Jr. (2)
Nathan Fobes (1)
Asaph Soule (1)
John Tribble (1)

          The stone for Luther Sprague Jr. (1842) is significant. It is signed by Lewis Johnson, but the urn is quite like that of his employee Michael Gallagher. While this may mean that Lewis Johnson signed Gallagher’s work, the urn is more crudely carved. This may suggest that Lewis Johnson himself carved the stone in Gallagher’s style – or that Gallagher was not as careful on this stone as he was on his others, including the 2 Williamson stones, dated the same year.

1765 Ford Deborah Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1798 Sampson Luther Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1803 Foord Elisha Marshfield MA 636 Soule,Asaph
1804 Baker RuthJones Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1806 Hatch JohnLincoln Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1807 Bourne Olive Marshfield MA 636 Soule,WilliamHudson
1807 Waterman Asa Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1809 Chandler Thomas Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1810 Hewett Capt.Joseph Marshfield MA 636 Fobes,Nathan
1810 Sampson Esther Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1811 Sampson Paul Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1813 Ford Elizabeth Marshfield MA 636 Soule,WilliamHudson
1815 Kent Huldah Marshfield MA 636 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1816 Kent Betsy Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,John
1820 Kent Huldah Marshfield MA 636 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1820 Walker Asa Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1828 Chandler Rhoda Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1828 Kent Mary Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1829 Sprague Simeon Weston Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1830 Bourne Matthew Marshfield MA 636 Soule,WilliamHudson
1832 Sprague Jemima Ford Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1835 Bourne Olive Marshfield MA 636 Soule,WilliamHudson
1838 Waterman Ruth Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1840 Ford John Marshfield MA 636 Gallagher,Michael
1842 Hatch Jabez Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1842 Peterson Ruth Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1842 Sprague LutherJr. Marshfield MA 636 Johnson,Lewis
1842 Williamson AnthonyA. Marshfield MA 636 Gallagher,Michael
1842 Williamson RuthW. Marshfield MA 636 Gallagher,Michael
1846 Carter Judith Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1846 Kent SarahT. Marshfield MA 636 Johnson,Lewis
1846 Wright MaryW. Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1848 Sprague LydiaL. Marshfield MA 636 Johnson,Lewis
1849 Ames Prissila Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1849 Sprague HenryT. Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1849 Williamson RuthC. Marshfield MA 636 Gallagher,Michael
1850 Hatch Caturah Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram

(17) January 18, 2017


          Michael Gallagher was a very successful immigrant Irish stonecutter, discussed on pp. 550-556 in Volume II. His Irish nationalism appears to have been a factor in his violent encounter with an English sea captain, as reported in the November 1, 1848 issue of the Boston Evening Transcript:

William Smith O'Brien (1803-1864) was an Irish nationalist Member of Parliament and leader of the Young Ireland movement. He was convicted of sedition for his part in the Young Irelander Rebellion of 1848 (the same year as the incident involving Michael Gallagher), but his sentence of death was commuted to deportation.

(18) January 22, 2017


          In Chapter 17, I considered (beginning on p. 540), the successors to Coomer Soule II in the area around Canton, MA. While it was not too difficult to separate the work of Coomer’s son Cady Soule out of the mix, it was more challenging to identify the work of the two Johnsons (Lewis & William) and Michael Gallagher.
          The reason was that these three men worked together, with each, probably, lettering stones the others carved (and perhaps with one or more younger stonecutters also employed in this shop). Lewis Johnson ran this shop. He was born in 1772, his son William was born in 1812 and Michael Gallagher born in 1813. Lewis would also sign stones carved by his two young employees. By about 1832 (when Lewis was 60, William 20 and Michael 19) all three, I believe were carving simultaneously. I feel fairly confident about the attributions I made to William Johnson and Michael Gallagher (even though they also probably lettered some of each others’ stones), but there was one urn design that I now have second thoughts about. This urn typically had three leaf-like patterns radiating from the bottom of the urn up to the lid. I provided an example in Fig. 17.55, which I attributed to Michael Gallagher.
          This urn design was chiseled more crudely than the other urns found on Williams’s and Michael’s later stones. I had attributed these to Michael, thinking they were among the earliest stones he carved. However, on reviewing this set of about 25 stones (dating mostly from 1828 through 1834), I think it may have been someone else who carved them.
          One reason to look for another carver of this set is that there are stones with William’s and Michael’s more standard urn (without the three ”leaves”) that are dated during the same time – suggesting that this set may have been parallel rather than earlier. For example, while there are 5 stones dated 1832 in this set with leaves, William has 13 stones dated 1832 without the leaves while Michael has 8 1832 stones without the leaves. Also, the chiseling on the set in question seems less skillful than that on Williams’ and Michael’s stones in the same span.
          Could it have been Lewis Johnson who carved them? Lewis did letter many of the stones of this set. (Yet Lewis’ lettering also appears on William’s and Michael’s work.) But Lewis pretty much stuck to carving marble stones. I think it more likely, therefore, that another carver was responsible for this set. Lewis did have a number of sons: the first three were: Lewis Jr. (b1800), Holman (b1802) and Albert (b1808). Perhaps one of these assisted his father (alongside their younger brother William). Yet I found no reference to any of these three having been employed as a stonecutter.
          I have therefore reassigned this set of stones (below) – giving them to the "Johnson, Lewis (shop)." I also found more such stones, and others probably carved by Lewis Johnson, as well as other stones not listed in Volume II’s database.
          To make these changes in the flashdrive database, you should first make a copy of the entire database as a backup. Then sort the database by carver. This will group all of the stones ascribed to Johnson, Lewis in a single block. Then delete this entire block. You can now copy the new block of Lewis Johnson stones into the database using the instructions I outlined before. Here is the new list of Lewis Johnson stones:

1806 Capen Rebeccah Stoughton MA 1072 Johnson,Lewis
1809 Whitcomb Robert Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis
1814 Howard Melatiah WestBridgewater MA 1205 Johnson,Lewis
1818 Tucker Jane Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1821 Lane Capt.BenjaminT. Sherborn MA 1037 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1822 Gay Lemuel Stoughton MA 1067 Johnson,Lewis
1824 Chubuck AbbyB. Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1824 Reupke Sarah Stoughton MA 1072 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1825 Bird Mary Stoughton MA 1072 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1825 Paine EzraR. Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1827 Dickerman Ezra Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1827 French JosephWales Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1827 Gillett Martha Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis
1827 Law MaryEllen Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1828 Gay Sarah Sharon MA 1028 Johnson,Lewis
1828 Howard Lt.Jesse West Bridgewater MA 1205 Johnson,Lewis
1828 Johnson Frederic Sharon MA 1027 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1828 Reed James Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1828 Smith Ephraim Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1829 Johnson Hobbes Sharon MA 1027 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1830 Belcher Daniel Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1830 Chamberlain Moses Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1830 Crane Susan Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1830 Fairbanks Dea.Benjamin Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1830 Johnson Hannah Sharon MA 1027 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1830 Snow WilliamN. Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1831 Blake JuliaAnn Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis
1831 Blanchard William Avon MA 36 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1831 Chandler Ann Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1831 Mason Francis Wayland Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1831 Shaw Hannah Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1831 White Ruel Mansfield MA 612 Johnson,Lewis
1832 Allen John Medfield MA 653 Johnson,Lewis
1832 Harris CharlesAustin Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1832 Holmes JohnJr. Stoughton MA 1027 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1832 Johnson Obed Sharon MA 1027 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1832 Johnson Elizabeth Stoughton MA 1072 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1832 Loud Eliphalet Weymouth MA 1243 Johnson,Lewis
1832 Monk RebeccaS. Stoughton MA 1072 Johnson,Lewis
1832 Pratt James Weymouth MA 1246 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1832 Tucker Caroline Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1832 Tucker Dea.Benjamin Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1832 Waters Sarah Stoughton MA 1067 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1832 Whitcomb John Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis
1833 Blanchard Betsey Avon MA 36 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1833 Curtis Timothy Avon MA 35 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1833 Curtis Wales Avon MA 35 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1833 Dillingham Rebekah Berkley MA 77 Johnson,Lewis
1833 Draper Joseph Westwood MA 1237 Johnson,Lewis
1833 Endicott Abigail Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1833 French Maria Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis
1833 Hancock Susannah Sharon MA 1031 Johnson,Lewis
1833 Holmes Clarissa Sharon MA 1027 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1833 Kingsbury Levina Sherborn MA 1037 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1833 Reupke JohnC. Stoughton MA 1072 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1833 Waldron Benjamin Taunton MA 1113 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1833 Whitcomb Abigail Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis
1834 Crane AbigailT. Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis
1834 Crane Gen.Elijah Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis
1834 Parker Jerusha Stoughton MA 1072 Johnson,Lewis
1834 Wilbur DorettaB. Raynham MA 914 Johnson,Lewis
1835 Adams John Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis
1835 Gorham HannahA. Braintree MA 129 Johnson,Lewis
1835 Howard RoxellanaR. West Bridgewater MA 1205 Johnson,Lewis
1835 Pratt Matthew Weymouth MA ? Johnson,Lewis
1835 Whitcomb Jacob Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis
1836 Cook Lealand Bellingham MA 71 Johnson,Lewis
1836 Pettee Seth Sharon MA 1027 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1836 Vinson John Weymouth MA 1243 Johnson,Lewis
1836 Wentworth Simeon Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis
1837 Hunt Nathaniel Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1837 Tolman ThomasW. Randolph MA 909 Johnson,Lewis
1837 Whitcomb Elizabeth Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis
1840 Packard Dan Brockton MA 164 Johnson,Lewis
1841 Hiller Levi Rochester MA ? Johnson,Lewis
1841 Whitcomb Mary Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis
1842 Ames Azel Marshfield MA 637 Johnson,Lewis
1842 Jones Rosseter Brockton MA 169 Johnson,Lewis
1842 Sprague LutherJr. Marshfield MA 636 Johnson,Lewis
1843 Bailey Israel Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis
1843 Keith Abigail Brockton MA 169 Johnson,Lewis
1845 Whiting PiamC. Hanover MA 461 Johnson,Lewis
1846 Kent SarahT. Marshfield MA 636 Johnson,Lewis
1846 Mann PatienceL. Hanover MA 461 Johnson,Lewis
1846 Morse Nancy Canton MA 186 Johnson,Lewis
1846 Turner Capt.Nathaniel Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis
1847 Belcher Oliver Stoughton MA 1072 Johnson,Lewis
1847 Cary Col.Martin Brockton MA 164 Johnson,Lewis
1847 Drake Eliza Ann Stoughton MA 1067 Johnson,Lewis
1847 Magoun Asaph Pembroke MA 833 Johnson,Lewis
1848 Soule TabithaT. Stoughton MA 1069 Johnson,Lewis
1848 Sprague LydiaL. Marshfield MA 636 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1836Probate Tucker Elizabeth Stoughton MA ? Johnson,Lewis
1837Probate Hunt John Providence RI ? Johnson,Lewis
1832 Spear Mary Holbrook MA 504 Johnson,Lewis(shop)

          Once you make the above substitution, proceed with the following changes:

Delete the following entries (all of which were probably erroneously ascribed to Michael Gallagher:
CAUTION!: I have now ascribed these stones to Lewis Johnson. So each of these entries will appear twice in the database. DO NOT delete the entries ascribed to Lewis Johnson:

1830 Chamberlain Moses Canton MA 186
1830 Crane Susan Canton MA 186
1833 Endicott Abigail Canton MA 186
1831 Mason Francis Wayland Canton MA 186
1831 Shaw Jemima Foxboro MA 385
1823 Chubuck Abby B. Scituate MA 1022
1821 Lane Capt. Benjamin T. Sherborn MA 1037
1831 Bird Abner Stoughton MA 1068
1825 Bird Mary Stoughton MA 1072
1832 Holmes John Jr. Stoughton MA 1072
1833 Reupke John C. Stoughton MA 1072
1833 Waldron Benjamin Taunton MA 1113

Change the carver for the following from Gallagher, Michael to Johnson,William

Seth Kingsbury (1833)
Lucretia Pond (1834)
Ebenezer Ware (1834)

The following two enries will each appear twice in the database. Delete only the ones ascribed to William Johnson.

1828 Smith Ephraim
1830 Fairbanks Dea. Benjamin

Italicize the following stone (which is signed):

Josiah Stedman (1836), Holliston MA

(19) February 26, 2017


Addition to p. 99 on Abraham Codner:

          I recently found online in the following book The War of 1812 U.S. War Department Correspondence, 1812-1815 by John C. Fredriksen the following passage on p. 349:

Sergeant, John
8932 May 11, 1812. New Stockbridge, NY; 1 page; M221/48:3095. Sergeant informs Secretary Eustis that Abraham Codner died after a brief illness and that the Stockbridge Indians under Captain Hendrick have been working to avert war with their Canadian brethren. “Therefore, I hope the government will continue his compensation and agency and not listen to the ill reports of envious whites if any should appear against his conduct and moral character.”

          And so, as I noted on p. 99 in Volume II, it appears that the record of Abraham Codner owning land in Vernon, NY in 1814 was indeed posthumous. Abraham apparently died two years earlier, at age 62.

(20) March 24, 2017


          In entries # 12, 15 & 16, above, I provided additional gravestones from cemeteries in Whitman, Brockton and Marshfield, MA – all in the area between Quincy, MA and Plymouth, MA.
          Volume I focused on the resident carvers of Plymouth, Kingston and Cape Cod. Now that Volume II has appeared, I am backtracking to the burial grounds I initially canvassed for Volume I, looking for the work of carvers I examined in Volume II (or stones relevant to Volume I, but missed). Many new relevant stones will thereby be added to the database in these (mainly Volume I) burial grounds.
          This recanvassing has revealed the more extensive productivity of the Plympton carver ASAPH SOULE. I had not yet separated the work of the Soule carvers from one another when I visited these cemeteries before 2006, when Volume I appeared. And I did not revisit them all even after I had separated out the Soules’ work for Volume II. Fortunately, the Find a Grave website has now allowed me to ascribe about 140 new stones to Asaph Soule, with concentrations in Scituate and Marshfield. In the Volume II database, I ascribed only 13 stones Asaph Soule in Marshfield and 6 stones in Scituate. In the additions I provide below, these totals have grown to 102 stones for Marshfield and 29 stones for Scituate. It now appears that this area of Boston’s south shore was Asaph Soule’s principal market – surpassing even the Lakeville-to-Acushnet area, where he as has significant numbers as well.
          Overall, the total number of gravestones I am now attributing to Asaph Soule (by adding those below) has risen from 299 to 437. In contrast, the number I am giving to his older brother Ebenezer Soule Jr. has risen from 346 to only 358. Yet it’s possible that I will discover more of Ebenezer’s stones in cemeteries closer to Plympton (including Cape Cod), once I recanvass in that area.


1776 Pratt Lusannah Cohasset MA 235 Soule,Asaph
1792 Joy Jared Cohasset MA 235 Soule,Asaph
1793 Bates Hophni Cohasset MA 235 Soule,Asaph
1798 Willcut Lydia Cohasset MA 235 Soule,Asaph
1814 Bates Abner Cohasset MA 235 Pratt,Cyrus
1816 Bates Joshua Cohasset MA 235 Soule,BezaJr.
1820 Low WilliamN. Cohasset MA 235 Pratt,Cyrus
1841 Bates Hannah Cohasset MA 235 Rawson,Samuel
1845 Bates Deborah Cohasset MA 235 Rawson,Samuel
1848 Lincoln CarolineF. Cohasset MA 235 Rawson,Samuel
1849 Bates Phebe Cohasset MA 235 Rawson,Samuel

1822 Lothrop SusannahA. Cohasset MA 236 Pratt,Cyrus
1823 Nichols JosephH. Cohasset MA 236 Ellis,Charles
1823 Nichols Susanna Cohasset MA 236 Pratt,Cyrus
1839 Nichols John Cohasset MA 236 Rawson,Samuel
1851 Beal Truman Hurlbert Cohasset MA 236 Gallagher,Michael
1851 Nichols Joseph Cohasset MA 236 Gallagher,Michael

1769 Browne Jane Cohasset MA 237 Homer,John
1773 Stephenson John Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1774 Pratt Molly Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1775 Pratt Bridget Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1776 Oakes Urian Cohasset MA 237 Homer,John
1780 Bates Abigail Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1787 Burr Dea.Isaac Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1790 Bourn Thomas [infants] Cohasset MA 237 Homer,John
1790 Nichols Isaac Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1791[1835] Browne Rev.John Cohasset MA 237 Washburn,Ira
1793 Lincoln Mary Cohasset MA 237 Homer,John
1795 Nichols Thankfull Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1795 Pratt Bridget Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1796 Bourne Thomas Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1796 Nichols Job Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1796 Pratt Deborah Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1796 Tower Sally Cohasset MA 237 Homer,John
1800 Battels Elizabeth Cohasset MA 237 Fobes,Nathan
1800 Tower Daniel Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1802 James Rachel Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1802 Lincoln Lewis Cohasset MA 237 Soule,Asaph
1813 Tower Bethiah Cohasset MA 237 Pratt,Cyrus
1814 Burbank Hannah Cohasset MA 237 Pratt,Cyrus
1819 Bourne Susanna Cohasset MA 237 Pratt,Cyrus
1821 Pratt Deborah Cohasset MA 237 Soule,BezaJr.
1823 Kent Hannah Cohasset MA 237 Washburn,Ira
1828 Nichols Daniel Cohasset MA 237 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1828 Orcutt Ignatius Cohasset MA 237 Adams,Richard
1844 Burbank Hannah Cohasset MA 237 Rawson,Samuel

HANSON (new cemetery code 465a = Stetson cemetery)

1794 Hobart Thomas Hanson MA 464 Washburn,Bildad

1776 Stetson Abel Hanson MA 465a Soule,Asaph
1776 Stetson John Hanson MA 465a Soule,Asaph
1777 Chipman JacobII Hanson MA 465a Soule,Asaph
1822 Reed Zadok Hanson MA 465a Washburn,Bildad


1781 Waterman Mary Hingham MA 492 Pratt,SethJones
1787 Lincoln Delight Hingham MA 492 Treat,Shubael
1804 Lincoln Capt.James Hingham MA 492 Pratt,SethJones
1817 Lincoln Elijah Hingham MA 492 Fox,Horace
1818 Lincoln Elizabeth Hingham MA 492 Fox,Horace

1769 Cushing Emme Hingham MA 493 Homer,John
1773 Cushing Hannah Hingham MA 493 Homer,John
1779 Cushing Rev.Theophilus Hingham MA 493 Homer,John
1798 Cushing Mabel Hingham MA 493 Pratt,SethJones
1800 Cushing Col.David Hingham MA 493 Pratt,SethJones
1807 Lane Lucy Hingham MA 493 Pratt,Cyrus
1807 Tower IsaiahJr. Hingham MA 493 Pratt,Cyrus
1813 Jacob Tamar Hingham MA 493 Pratt,Cyrus
1813 Lane Josiah Hingham MA 493 Pratt,Cyrus

1775 Hearsey Rachel Hingham MA 494 Pratt,SethJones
1793 Hearsey Benjamin Hingham MA 494 Pratt,SethJones
1795 Whiton Mary Hingham MA 494 Pratt,SethJones
1807 Hearsey Joshua Hingham MA 494 Pratt,Cyrus
1821 Whiton Daniel Hingham MA 494 Pratt,Cyrus
1758 Andrews Thomas Hingham MA 495 Lamson,John
1769 Langlee Hannah Hingham MA 495 Lamson,JosephII
1780 Tidmarsh Giles Hingham MA 495 Homer,John
1783 Bates Jesse Hingham MA 495 White,SamuelJr.
1786 Lincoln Hannah Hingham MA 495 Geyer,JohnJustSr.
1786 Marsh Lillis Hingham MA 495 Hastings,Daniel
1789 Loring Abner Hingham MA 495 Geyer,JohnJustSr.
1789 Marsh Grace Hingham MA 495 Hastings,Daniel
1792 Lincoln Mehitable Hingham MA 495 Geyer,JohnJustSr.
1793 Lane Ferdinand Hingham MA 495 Hastings,Daniel
1795 Jones Marcy Hingham MA 495 Geyer,JohnJustSr.
1795 Magoon Elias Hingham MA 495 Pratt,SethJones
1796 Waters William Hingham MA 495 Pratt,SethJones
1797 Bates Caleb Hingham MA 495 Pratt,SethJones
1798 Waters Hannah Hingham MA 495 Pratt,SethJones
1799 Waters Elijah Hingham MA 495 Pratt,SethJones
1800 Waters Nancy Hingham MA 495 Pratt,SethJones
1803 MarshJohn Hingham MA 495 Pratt,SethJones
1804 Hearsey Susanna Hingham MA 495 Hope,Robert
1807 Vining Elizabeth Hingham MA 495 White,SamuelJr.
1808 Lincoln Ebenezer Hingham MA 495 Fobes,Nathan
1808 Waters Mehitable Hingham MA 495 Pratt,SethJones
1810 Marsh Susannah Hingham MA 495 Pratt,Cyrus
1811 Stoddard Daniel Hingham MA 495 Pratt,Cyrus
1812 Fearing Elijah Hingham MA 495 Pratt,Cyrus
1812 Lane Conway Hingham MA 495 Fox,Horace
1814 Hudson Ezra Hingham MA 495 Pratt,Cyrus
1814 Stoddard Nancy Hingham MA 495 Pratt,Cyrus
1818 Chamberlain Elizabeth W. Hingham MA 495 Soule,Ebenezer III
1818 Lincoln Job Hingham MA 495 Pratt,Cyrus
1818 Lincoln Shubael Hingham MA 495 Soule,Ebenezer III


1765 Ford Deborah Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1798 Sampson Luther Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1803 Foord Elisha Marshfield MA 636 Soule,Asaph
1804 Baker RuthJones Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1806 Hatch JohnLincoln Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1807 Bourne Olive Marshfield MA 636 Soule,WilliamHudson
1807 Waterman Asa Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1809 Chandler Thomas Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1810 Hewett Capt.Joseph Marshfield MA 636 Fobes,Nathan
1810 Sampson Esther Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1811 Sampson Paul Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1813 Ford Elizabeth Marshfield MA 636 Soule,WilliamHudson
1815 Kent Huldah Marshfield MA 636 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1816 Kent Betsy Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,John
1820 Kent Huldah Marshfield MA 636 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1820 Walker Asa Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1828 Chandler Rhoda Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1828 Kent Mary Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1829 Sprague Simeon Weston Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1830 Bourne Matthew Marshfield MA 636 Soule,WilliamHudson
1832 Sprague Jemima Ford Marshfield MA 636 Washburn,Bildad
1835 Bourne Olive Marshfield MA 636 Soule,WilliamHudson
1838 Waterman Ruth Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1840 Ford John Marshfield MA 636 Gallagher,Michael
1842 HatchJabez Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1842 Peterson Ruth Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1842 Sprague LutherJr. Marshfield MA 636 Johnson,Lewis
1842 Williamson AnthonyA. Marshfield MA 636 Gallagher,Michael
1842 Williamson RuthW. Marshfield MA 636 Gallagher,Michael
1846 Carter Judith Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1846 Kent SarahT. Marshfield MA 636 Johnson,Lewis
1846 Wright MaryW. Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1848 Sprague LydiaL Marshfield MA 636 Johnson,Lewis (shop)
1849 Ames Prissila Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1849 Sprague HenryT. Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram
1849 Williamson RuthC. Marshfield MA 636 Gallagher,Michael
1850 Hatch Caturah Marshfield MA 636 Tribble,Hiram

1768 Thomas Abiah Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1770 Lewis Sarah Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1776 Ford Sarah Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1776 Loudon Joanna Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1781 Foord Samuel Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1781 Foord Sarah Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1782 Thomas Dea.Nehemiah Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1783 Bourn Abigail Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1784 Foord Lydia Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1785 Foord Tabitha Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1786 Williamson Samuel Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1787 Phillips Isaac Marshfield MA 637 Washburn,Bildad
1788 Dingley Kezia Marshfield MA 637 Washburn,Bildad
1789 Cushman Deborah Marshfield MA 637 Washburn,Bildad
1790 Keen Simeon Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1791 Soule Orphan Marshfield MA 637 Washburn,Bildad
1793 Joyce Faith Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1796 Sprague Elizabeth Tilden Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1798 Phillips Capt.Nathaniel Marshfield MA 637 Adams,Bartlett
1798 Phillips Joanna Marshfield MA 637 Washburn,Bildad
1801 Ford Priscilla Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1801 Winslow Joshua Marshfield MA 637 Pratt,SethJones
1804 Fourd S[eth] Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1807 Ford Seth Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1807 Sprague James Marshfield MA 637 Soule,Asaph
1814 Ford Elner Marshfield MA 637 Soule,WilliamHudson
1824 Williamson Sarah Marshfield MA 637 Soule,WilliamHudson
1824 Williamson Timothy Marshfield MA 637 Soule,WilliamHudson

1775 White Paul Marshfield MA 638 Pratt,SethJones
1791 Lewis Kate Marshfield MA 638 Soule,Asaph
1791 White Anna Marshfield MA 638 Soule,Asaph
1791 White Hannah Marshfield MA 638 Washburn,Bildad
1793 White Lydia Marshfield MA 638 Soule,Asaph
1796 Sylvester James Marshfield MA 638 Gallagher,Michael
1796 White Abigail Marshfield MA 638 Soule,Asaph
1799 White Priscilla Marshfield MA 638 Pratt,SethJones
1802 White Elizabeth Marshfield MA 638 Pratt,SethJones

1779 Tilden Stephen Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1781 Tilden Mercy Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1783 Lapham Oliver Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1783 Tilden Mary Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1784 Tilden Elizabeth Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1785 Oakman Persis Marshfield MA 639 Savery,Lemuel
1786 Sherman Ebenezer Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1786 Tilden Desire Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1787 Clift Wills Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1787 Rogers Hannah Marshfield MA 639 Soule,WilliamHudson
1788 Bryant Elizabeth Marshfield MA 639 Adams,Bartlett
1788 Joyce Seth Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1788 Oakman Elizabeth Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1790 Ford Mary Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1790 Joyce Abigail Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1790 Lapham Sarah Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1790 Sherman Elizabeth Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1791 Lapham Betsy Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1791 Oakman Edward Marshfield MA 639 Adams,Bartlett
1793 Damon BenjaminJr. Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1793 Tilden George Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1794 Clift Elisabeth Marshfield MA 639 Adams,Bartlett
1795 Clift Samuel Marshfield MA 639 Adams,Bartlett
1796 Bryant Joseph Marshfield MA 639 Adams,Bartlett
1796 Ewell Charles Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1796 Tilden Huldah Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1797 Clift Phylenda Marshfield MA 639 Washburn,Bildad
1798 Clift Rachel Marshfield MA 639 Washburn,Bildad
1798 Rogers Submit Marshfield MA 639 Homer,John
1798 Thayer Seth Marshfield MA 639 Adams,Bartlett
1799 Tilden Phebe Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1800 Jones Capt.Samuel Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1800 Tilden Abigail Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1800 Tilden John Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1802 Vinal Lucy Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1803 Tilden Joshua Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1804 Ewell Seth Marshfield MA 639 Pratt,SethJones
1805 Hall BetseyC. Marshfield MA 639 Treat,Shubael
1805 Sherman Margaret Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1805 Vinal Lucy Marshfield MA 639 Soule,Asaph
1808 Daman Nathaniel Marshfield MA 639 Soule,WilliamHudson
1809 Hall Clarissa Marshfield MA 639 Fobes,Nathan
1809 Vinal Seth Marshfield MA 639 Fobes,Nathan
1810 Clift Bethiah Marshfield MA 639 Fobes,Nathan
1813 Rogers Thomas Marshfield MA 639 Wood,EbenezerSr.
1823 Daman HuldahW. Marshfield MA 639 Soule,WilliamHudson
1824 Tilden Grace Marshfield MA 639 Soule,WilliamHudson
1825 Daman Polly Marshfield MA 639 Soule,WilliamHudson
1825 Lovis Hannah Marshfield MA 639 Soule,WilliamHudson
1827 Lewis Abigail Marshfield MA 639 Soule,WilliamHudson
1833 Ames Sibel Marshfield MA 639 Soule,WilliamHudson
1833 Rogers Nathaniel Marshfield MA 639 Soule,WilliamHudson

1796 Hatch Beulah Marshfield MA 640 Adams,Bartlett
1810 Ewell Susanna Marshfield MA 640 Soule,WilliamHudson
1812 Curtis WilliamJr. Marshfield MA 640 Wood,EbenezerSr.
1812 Church Hannah Marshfield MA 640 Washburn,Bildad
1815 Church Constant Marshfield MA 640 Washburn,Bildad
1815 Cutis Hannah Marshfield MA 640 Wood,EbenezerSr.
1827 Holmes John Marshfield MA 640 Holmes,EphraimJr.
1831 Holmes Bathsheba Marshfield MA 640 Holmes,EphraimJr.

1801 Clift Joseph Marshfield MA 642 Soule,Asaph
1801 Oakman Louisa Marshfield MA 642 Soue,Asaph
1802 Ewell Elizabeth Marshfield MA 642 Soule,Asaph
1802 Hatch Mary Marshfield MA 642 Pratt,SethJones
1803 Oakman Alathea Marshfield MA 642 Soule,Asaph
1804 Ewell Job Marshfield MA 642 Soule,Asaph
1804 Hatch Ruth Marshfield MA 642 Soue,Asaph
1804 Oakman Ruth Marshfield MA 642 Soule,Asaph
1806 Hatch Henry Marshfield MA 642 Soule,Asaph
1807 Hatch Deborah Marshfield MA 642 Soule,Asaph
1809 Hatch Israel Marshfield MA 642 Fobes,Nathan
1810 Hatch Dea.Amos Marshfield MA 642 Fobes,Nathan
1811 Clift Sophia Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1811 Philips Lydia Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1811 Rogers Israel Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1811 Rogers Zadoc Marshfield MA 642 Pratt,Cyrus
1812 Rogers Mary Marshfield MA 642 Pratt,Cyrus
1812 Waterman Lydia Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1813 Tilden Cyrus3rd Marshfield MA 642 Pratt,Cyrus
1814 Hatch Jonathan Marshfield MA 642 Wood,EbenezerSr.
1817 Rogers Samuel Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1817 Tilden Betsy Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1818 Oakman Tobias Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1818 Rogers RuthLittle Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1819 Rogers Bethiah Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1819 Waterman Nathaniel Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1823 Lapham Tabitha Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1824 Tilden Peggy Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1825 Waterman Lydia Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1827 Hatch Huldah Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1827 Oakman Hope Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1828 Hatch Betty Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1828 Tilden JothamJr. Marshfield MA 642 Gallagher,Michael
1829 Hatch Rebekah Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1832 Hatch Mary Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1832 Hatch Roxalina Marshfield MA 642 Soule.WilliamHudson
1837 Hatch Peter Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1842 Hatch AnthonyE. Marshfield MA 642 Gallagher,Michael
1842 Hatch Hannah Marshfield MA 642 Johnson,William
1832 Rogers Samuel Marshfield MA 642 Soule,WilliamHudson
1843 Tilden Jotham Marshfield MA 642 Gallagher,Michael
1844 Hatch Berhiah Marshfield MA 642 Gallagher,Michael

1758 Huet Sarah Marshfield MA 643 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1761 Winslow Abigail Marshfield MA 643 Codner,Abraham
1801 Kent Capt.Joseph Marshfield MA 643 Soule,EbenezerJr.
1810 Bourne Nathaniel Marshfield MA 643 Soule,EbenezerJr.

PEMBROKE: new cemetery code 831a = Two Mile Cemetery

1771 Randall Jemima Pembroke MA 831a Soule,Asaph
1791 Randall John Pembroke MA 831a Soule,Asaph
1818 Magoun Huldah Pembroke MA 831a Washburn,Bildad
1823 Magoun Elias Pembroke MA 831a Washburn,Ira


          The 142 additional stones provided here were carved by 24 different men (all discussed in Volumes I & II). A few entries for Scituate in the original database on the flash drive accompanying Volume II were also changed. After you copy this list to the flash drive, you will spot these doubles. Please delete the earlier versions of these entries.

1790 Clapp Esther Scituate MA 1014 Johnson,William
1829 Clapp Mary Scituate MA 1014 Soule,WilliamHudson
1832 Clapp Chandler Scituate MA 1014 Johnson,Lewis
1834 Clapp Rufus Scituate MA 1014 Johnson,Lewis

1813 Ellms CharlesScituate MA 1015 Soule,WilliamHudson

1816 Sylvester LucyW. Scituate MA 1016 Pratt,Cyrus
1819 Cushing Betsy Scituate MA 1016 Washburn,Ira

1775 Little Abigail Scituate MA 1017 Soule,Asaph
1786 Bailey Mary Scituate MA 1017 Soule,Asaph
1788 Peirce Mary Scituate MA 1017 Soule,Asaph
1789 Cudworth Mary Scituate MA 1017 Soule,Asaph
1789 Little Barnabas Scituate MA 1017 Soule,Asaph
1792 Bailey Job Scituate MA 1017 Soule,Asaph
1793 Bryant John Scituate MA 1017 Soule,Asaph
1794 Bailey Martha Scituate MA 1017 Soule,Asaph
1798 Turner Abiel Scituate MA 1017 Soule,Asaph
1801 Nash Solon Scituate MA 1017 Soule,CoomerII
1802 Nash Lucy Scituate MA 1017 Soule,CoomerII
1802 Nash Sarah Scituate MA 1017 Soule,CoomerII
1803 Litchfield Thomas Scituate MA 1017 Soule,Asaph
1803 Bailey Abner Scituate MA 1017 Soule,CoomerII
1804 Collier Abigail Scituate MA 1017 Washburn,Bildad
1804 Wade Jotham Scituate MA 1017 Washburn,Bildad
1805 Doan Capt.John Scituate MA 1017 Washburn,Bildad
1820 Litchfield Sarah Scituate MA 1017 Soule,CoomerII
1821 Litchfield Foster Scituate MA 1017 Soule,CoomerII
1826 Merritt Ruth Scituate MA 1017 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1827 Lincoln Caleb Scituate MA 1017 Washburn,Ira
1833 Bailey Sarah Scituate MA 1017 Winslow,EbenezerD.

1792 Holmes Thomas Scituate MA 1018 Soule,Asaph
1818 Ford Peleg Scituate MA 1018 Pratt,Cyrus
1823 James MaryScituate MA 1018 Pratt,Cyrus
1827 James Anna Scituate MA 1018 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1827 James Benjamin Scituate MA 1018 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1836 James John Scituate MA 1018 Johnson,William

1796 Vinall IgnatiousSr. Scituate MA 1019 Soule,Asaph
1803 Heland Fanna Scituate MA 1019 Soule,Asaph

1786 Litchfield James Scituate MA 1021 Gallagher,Michael
1787 Litchfield Josiah Scituate MA 1021 Soule,Asaph
1788 Litchfield Enos Scituate MA 1021 Soule,Asaph
1796 Litchfield Harvey Scituate MA 1021 Soule,Asaph
1799 Litchfield Sarah Scituate MA 1021 Soule,Asaph
1813 Merrit Elizabeth Scituate MA 1021 Pratt,Cyrus
1829 Stoddard AbigailS. Scituate MA 1021 Winslow,EbenezerD.
1833 Stoddard CatherineP. Scituate MA 1021 Winslow,EbenezerD.
1835 Litchfield Elizabeth Scituate MA 1021 Gallagher,Michael
1836 Clapp SilasD. Scituate MA 1021 Johnson,William
1846 Mayo Elvira Scituate MA 1021 Gallagher,Michael

1779 Tilden Joseph Scituate MA 1022 Washburn,Bildad
1784 House Abner Scituate MA 1022 Bennett,William
1786 Ellms Robert Scituate MA 1022 Washburn,Bildad
1788 James Capt. BenjaminScituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1788 James Marcy Scituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1788 Otis Joseph Scituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1791 Jenkins Elizabeth Scituate MA 1022 Homer,John
1792 Merrett Noah Scituate MA 1022 Winslow,EbenezerD.
1793 Tilden Thomas Scituate MA 1022 Washburn,Bildad
1793 Young Elizabeth Scituate MA 1022 Homer,John
1794 Clapp Emily Scituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1795 Briggs Shadrach Scituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1795 Jenkins Lucy Scituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1795 Northey Joseph Scituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1798 Merrett Polly Scituate MA 1022 Winslow,EbenezerD.
1801 Vinal Polly Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1802 Manson John Scituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1802 Vinal David Scituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1802 Woodworth Abigail Scituate MA 1022 White,SamuelJr.
1802 Young Celia Scituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1803 Dammond Eleanor Scituate MA 1022 Dame,Eliphalet
1803 Ellms Ann Scituate MA 1022 Fobes,Nathan
1803 Ellms Sary Scituate MA 1022 Fobes,Nathan
1803 Turner James Scituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1803 Jenkins Ruth Scituate MA 1022 White,SamuelJr.
1804 Prouty Charles Scituate MA 1022 Hodgdon,Benjamin
1804 Dammand Eleanor Scituate MA 1022 Treat,Shubael
1804 Waterman Marcy Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1804 White Joseph Scituate MA 1022 Fobes,Nathan
1804 Young Desire Scituate MA 1022 Pratt,SethJones
1805 Bates Rachel Scituate MA 1022 Hodgdon,Benjamin
1806 Ray Susan Scituate MA 1022 Dame,Eliphalet
1806 Baker Thankful Scituate MA 1022 Pratt,SethJones
1806 Turner Samuel Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1807 Briggs Rhoda Scituate MA 1022 Soule,Asaph
1807 Wade Abednego Scituate MA 1022 Fobes,Nathan
1808 Merrett Betsy Scituate MA 1022 Winslow,EbenezerD.
1808 Vinal ThomasH. Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1808 Wade Nathaniel Scituate MA 1022 Wood,Ebenezer Sr.
1810 Wade Marcy Scituate MA 1022 Pratt,Cyrus
1810 Vinal Otis Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1811 Coleman HannahRich Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1812 Vinal AliceScituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1812 Otis SarahScituate MA 1022 Pratt,Cyrus
1812 Ellms Charles Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1812 Jenkins Dea.Daniel Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1812 Webb Betsy Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1813 Bailey Israel Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1814 Turner Betsy Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1814 Young Ezekiel Scituate MA 1022 Brazer,WilliamG.
1815 Ellms Elizabeth Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1816 Manson Hannah Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1816 Young Elizabeth Scituate MA 1022 Adams,Richard
1817 Northey Betsy Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1818 Tilden Thomas Scituate MA 1022 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1819 Colman Marcy Scituate MA 1022 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1819 Baker MaryT. Scituate MA 1022 Fox,Horace
1820 Vinal Eliza Scituate MA 1022 Brazer,WilliamG.
1820 Briggs MiriamScituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1822 Litchfield Job Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1822 Turner MercyJames Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1822 White Temperance Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1823 Rich Catharine Scarboro Scituate MA 1022 Brazer,WilliamG.
1823 Hall AlmiraV. Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1824 Colman Joseph Scituate MA 1022 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1824 Chubuck AbbyB. Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1824 White Timothy Scituate MA 1022 Soule,WilliamHudson
1825 Waterman Anthony Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1825 Young Lusanna Scituate MA 1022 Brazer,WilliamG.
1826 Ellms Timothy Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1826 Vinal Lydia Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1827 Tilden Abigail Scituate MA 1022 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1827 Hall Almira Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1830 Manson James Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1830 Colman Lydia Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1830 Curtis Eli Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1830 Otis Ensign Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1830 Vinell JosephH. Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1830 Webb Deborah Scituate MA 1022 Pratt,Cyrus
1831 Manson DavisJ. Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1831 Cole Charles Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1831 Chubbuck MaryLincoln Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1831 Collier Mary Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1831 Alden Isaiah Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1831 Jenkins James Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1831 Otis Lucy Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1831 Merrett Noah Scituate MA 1022 Winslow,EbenezerD.
1831 Rich Capt.MosesScituate MA 1022 Winslow,EbenezerD.
1831 Waterman Deborah Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1831 Wheelwright Leah Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1832 Webb Barnabas Scituate MA 1022 Winslow,EbenezerD.
1833 Chubuck CharlesAnthony Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1833 Curtis SarahElizabeth Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1833 Manson AnnS. Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1833 Vinell Malinda Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1834 Tilden Catherine Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis
1834 Turner Sally Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis
1834 Farrington Rev.Daniel Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1834 Vinal JosephH. Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1834 Waterman Mercy Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis
1835 Coleman HenryO. Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1835 Chubuck Lucy Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1835 Turner James Scituate MA 1022 Pratt,Cyrus
1836 Prentiss JohnJenkins Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1836 Ellms Lydia Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1836 Webb Barnabas Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1837 Jenkins AsaHall Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis(shop)
1837 Colier Peleg Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1838 Chubbuck CeliaLittle Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1838 Colman Alice Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1838 Shane PatrickM. Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1839 Prouty Caleb Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1839 Richardson GeorgeL. Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1840 Colman SethW. Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1840 Vinal NancyJenkins Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1841 Cudworth Marcy Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1841 Vinal JaneC. Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,William
1841 Waterman Lydia Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1841 Waterman Polly Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1841 Webb Anna Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1842 Ellms Capt.Daniel Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1844 Ellms Mary Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1845 Sparling Margaret Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1846 Briggs Joseph Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1846 Turner Capt.NathanielScituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis
1849 Merritt JohnE. Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1849 Vinal LydiaF. Scituate MA 1022 Johnson,Lewis
1851 Jenkins Elizabeth Scituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1851 Vinal CharlotteScituate MA 1022 Gallagher,Michael
1853 Spaulding MariaScituate MA 1022 Johnson,Hiram


          The 88 new stones from 7 Weymouth cemeteries, below, include a stone signed by Robert Hope, as well as 3 more stones carved by George Ludwig Geyer, 2 more stones carved by Samuel Tingley, Jr. (when he worked in Quincy as an apprentice), and a stone carved by Plymouth & Barnstable carver Nathaniel Holmes, with an unusual urn (for him) between two of his typical winged faces.

1805 Rice David Weymouth MA 1240 Rawson,Ebenezer
1809 Rice Silance Weymouth MA 1240 Rawson,Ebenezer

1797 Loud Mary Weymouth MA 1241 Pratt,SethJones
1798 Hunt Experience Weymouth MA 1241 Pratt,SethJones
1801 White Anna Weymouth MA 1241 Pratt,SethJones
1803 Burrell PhebeG. Weymouth MA 1241 Pratt,SethJones
1806 Hunt Levi Weymouth MA 1241 Pratt,Cyrus
1806 Loud Lucendy Weymouth MA 1241 Pratt,SethJones
1810 Hunt Jane Weymouth MA 1241 Rawson,Ebenezer
1814 Shaw Irene Weymouth MA 1241 Pratt,Cyrus
1815 Burrell John Weymouth MA 1241 Pratt,Cyrus
1816 Hunt Rozinay Weymouth MA 1241 Pratt,Cyrus
1825 Hunt Thomas Weymouth MA 1241 Pratt,Cyrus
1827 Burrell Samuel Weymouth MA 1241 Pratt,Cyrus

1794 Orcutt Silence Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,SethJones
1797 Richards Rachel Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,SethJones
1800 Shaw Nathaniel Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,SethJones
1801 Blanchard Mary Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,SethJones
1802 Shaw LydiaT. Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,SethJones
1802 Stoddard Priscilla Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,SethJones
1803 Joy Margrett Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,SethJones
1809 Vinson Samuel Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,Cyrus
1812 Vinson Sarah Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,Cyrus
1815 Thayer Susanna Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,Cyrus
1819 Derby Lt.Jonathan Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,Cyrus
1819 Vinson ThomasWarren Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,Cyrus
1820 Derby Emeline Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,Cyrus
1820 Derby Ira Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,Cyrus
1823 Blanchard Dolly Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,Cyrus
1833 Shaw Jane Weymouth MA 1243 Pratt,Cyrus
1834 White Loring Weymouth MA 1243 Johnson,William
1836 Blanchard Cyrus Weymouth MA 1243 Johnson,Lewis
1836 Colson James Weymouth MA 1243 Johnson,William
1836 Torrey SarahAnn Weymouth MA 1243 Johnson,William
1836 Vinson John Weymouth MA 1243 Johnson,Lewis
1837 White Jeremiah Weymouth MA 1243 Johnson,William

1797 Blanchard Mary Weymouth MA 1244 Pratt,SethJones
1807 Blanchard Nicholas Weymouth MA 1244 Pratt,SethJones

1822 Pratt Abigail Weymouth MA 1245 Pratt,Cyrus
1825 White Hezekiah Weymouth MA 1245 Johnson,Lewis (shop)
1826 Shaw JosephWhite Weymouth MA 1245 Johnson,Lewis (shop)
1829 White Joseph Weymouth MA 1245 Johnson,Lewis (shop)
1831 White Hannah Weymouth MA 1245 Johnson,Lewis (shop)

1746 Goold Mary Weymouth MA 1246 Geyer,GeorgeLudwig
1755 Gardner Jane Weymouth MA 1246 Lamson,Joseph II
1755 Richards Benjamin Weymouth MA 1246 Geyer,GeorgeLudwig
1765 Richards Abigail Weymouth MA 1246 Geyer,GeorgeLudwig
1777 Loud Ouner Weymouth MA 1246 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1782 Loud Caleb Weymouth MA 1246 Geyer,HenryChristian
1783 White Benjamin Weymouth MA 1246 Washburn,Bildad
1788 Blanchard David Weymouth MA 1246 Homer,John
1790 Loud Silvenus Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,SethJones
1791 White Miriam Weymouth MA 1246 Dwight,John
1793 White Capt.James Weymouth MA 1246 Dwight,John
1797 Pratt Lt.Daniel Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,SethJones
1798 Humphrey Hon.James Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,SethJones
1798 Torrey Lemuel Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,SethJones
1800 Humphrey Charles Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,SethJones
1800 Nash Hannah Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,SethJones
1801 Blanchard Silas Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,SethJones
1801 Cowing Barnabas Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,SethJones
1801 Pratt Betty Weymouth MA 1246 Tingley,SamuelJr.
1805 Loud Eliot Weymouth MA 1246 Holmes,Nathaniel
1805 White Jared Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,SethJones
1805 Whitman Abigail Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,SethJones
1813 Hayden Abigail Weymouth MA 1246 Treat,Shubael
1813 Plummer Joseph Weymouth MA 1246 Rawson,Samuel
1814 Butterfield Lucinda Weymouth MA 1246 Hope,Robert
1815 Torrey James Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,Cyrus
1818 White Lt.Col.Asa Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,Cyrus
1822 Cushing Elizabeth Weymouth MA 1246 Cary,AlpheusJr.
1821 Pratt WilliamS. Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,Cyrus
1827 Thomas MaryR. Weymouth MA 1246 Rawson,Samuel
1828 Thomas LydiaB. Weymouth MA 1246 Rawson,Samuel
1830 Bailey Maria Weymouth MA 1246 Pratt,Cyrus
1830 Pratt Peter Weymouth MA 1246 Rawson,Samuel
1832 Pratt Jonathan Weymouth MA 1246 Rawson,Samuel
1832 Pratt Margaret Weymouth MA 1246 Rawson,Samuel
1833 Pratt Sarah Weymouth MA 1246 Rawson,Samuel
1837 Pratt Asa Weymouth MA 1246 Rawson,Samuel
1838 Pierce JosiahBunt Weymouth MA 1246 Rawson,Samuel
1847 Lewis Jonathan Weymouth MA 1246 Rawson,Samuel

1800 Smith Abial Weymouth MA 1248 Pratt,SethJones
1815 Tirrell James Weymouth MA 1248 Pratt,Cyrus
1821 Ross Nancy Weymouth MA 1248 Pratt,Cyrus
1832 Tirrell Lydia Weymouth MA 1248 Pratt,Cyrus
1833 Thayer Barnabas Weymouth MA 1248 Pratt,Cyrus

(21) April 3, 2017


          It’s fairly certain that the Boston stonecutter Robert Hope was born in England (and also that he probably was in Virginia before moving to Portland, ME and then Boston, as I reported in item (8), above). The fact that stonecutter George T. Hope was also a Boston resident during about the same span of years may indicate that George was a relative and that he too may have been born in England.
          However, the vital records for Randolph, MA include the death in 1901 of George Hope's daughter Ursula Marie [nee Hope] Bullard (I included a photo of her [Fig. IV.118FD] in Volume II). This death entry notes that her father, George T. Hope, was born in Blooming Grove, NY.
          Yet in the 1900 US Census entry for the widowed Ursula Bullard, living in Randolph, there is a curious response in the column “birthplace of father.” “England” was written in; but a line was struck through this and “New York” was inserted above it. In the 1880 US Census, however (where Ursula Bullard is listed in Boston as “Visola Ballard”), she lists her father’s birthplace as “New York.” Unfortunately, I was unable to find Ursula Bullard (or her unmarried daughter Helen) in the 1870 Census. The 1860 Census did not include a column for birthplace of the father.
          If George T. Hope was born in New York, it is perhaps less likely that he was related to Robert Hope. Yet I suppose it’s possible that George may have immigrated from England to New York, and preferred to identify himself for some reason as having been born in the U.S.

(22) October 13, 2018


           Early in the careers of Coomer Soule I and his younger brother Beza Soule Sr., they traveled west: first to Deerfield, MA, staying there from 1772 to 1773; and then from 1773 to 1774, to Berkshire Co. and Vermont, leaving 6 stones in Bennington, VT, and in Massachusetts, 7 in Pittsfield, 1 in Lenox, 4 in Lanesborough and 7 in Stockbridge. Of these 25 stones, 21 were carved by Beza and 4 by Coomer.
          In the FINDAGRAVE online database, I recently come across 4 more stones, 1 carved by Coomer and 3 by Beza. The one carved by Coomer should probably be included with those he carved while in Deerfield in 1772 and 1773,since it is located in Charlemont, MA, about 22 miles to the west of Deerfield.


          On p. 351 of Vol. II, I listed 6 stones with winged skulls carved by Coomer Soule I – five in Deerfield, MA and one in Worcester, MA. The latest, dated 1772, was in Deerfield.
          The new stone is another winged skull, located in the Moses Rice lot in Charlemont, MA. This is only the 94th stone I found that I attribute to Coomer Soule I, who died in 1777 at the age of 29.
          Images of this stone are found in the Findagrave site:




          This stone commemorates two men who were killed and buried together:

          Capt. Moses Rice, the first settler in Charlemont, and Phineas Arms, a Deerfield resident who was manning the garrison in the Rice fort in Charlemont. Moses Rice was scalped and left in the field; Phineas Arms was shot.

          The inscription reads:

            In Memory of Capt. Moses Rice, who was Killd by the Indians in this place
            June ye 11th 1755 in ye 61st Year of his Age & lies at the right hand.
            In Memory of Mr. Phinehas Arms, who was Killd by the Indians in this place
            June ye 11th 1755 in ye 24th Year of his Age & lies at the left hand.

            Write, Blessed are the Dead which Die in the Lord Rev. XIV 13th

          This stone is backdated (dated after its carving). I would guess it was carved closer to 1772 (when Coomer and Beza were in Deerfield), and then shipped 22 miles to Charlemont. Phinehas Arms was born in Deerfield. His parents and four siblings are all buried there. His father died in Deerfield in 1774; maybe it was he who had the stone cut by Coomer Soule I in Deerfield in about 1772 and then had it erected for his son (and Moses Rice) in Charlemont.


          Two of the three additional stones I found for Beza are in Bennington, VT (both are marble -- as are just about all of the other old stones in Old Bennington Cemetery). These are the stones for:

Francis Wickwire II (1763)
Lucy Dickinson (1772)

Both were no doubt carved in 1774.

          Images of these two stones are found in the Findagrave site:




          The third stone carved by Beza is in the Old Stockbridge cemetery in Stockbridge, MA. This is the stone for:

Electta Slosson (1770)

The Findagrave image is found at:


To enter these four stones in the spreadsheet database, use the format below and follow the instructions in item (1) of this list of additions/corrections.

1755 Rice Moses Charlemont MA 197a(Moses Rice) Soule,CoomerII
1763 Wickwire FrancisII Bennington VT 74 Soule,BezaSr.
1770 Slosson Electta Stockbridge MA 1063 Soule,BezaSr.
1772 Dickinson Lucy Bennington VT 74 Soule,BezaSr.

(23) November 8, 2018


          This is really an added correction to Volume I and an addition to the new information I provided on Ebenezer D. Winslow on pp. 633-34 of Volume II's "Additions & Corrections."

          Vincent F. Luti recently came across a source that reports that Brewster, MA carver Ebenezer D. Winslow died in Brooklyn, NY, not Brewster, MA (where he is buried), as I had surmised. Luti also noted that Winslow was identified as a "mariner." That he died in Brooklyn was confirmed by the fact that the date of death (September 30, 1862) reported in Brooklyn was identical to that on Winslow's gravestone in Brewster. Winslow was 69 at the time. What was he doing in Brooklyn?
          I checked this out further and came across an obituary in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle for October 1, 1862 which reads:


          WINSLOW - In Brooklyn, on Tuesday Sept. 30, at the residence of his son, H. F. Winslow, E. D. Winslow, of Brewster, Mass., aged 69 years.
          The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral on Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock, from 277 Bridge Street. The remains will be taken to Massachusetts for internment.

          Ebenezer may either have been visiting his son Horatio, who was a bookkeeper, or, as he advanced in age, may have moved in with him. (Ebenezer's wife had died in Brewster in 1850, and the latest stone I have attributed to him is dated 1859.)
          The reference to him being a "mariner," however, has not been confirmed and is a little suspicious. Maybe it was a misreading of "marble worker" or even "marbler."