Links to Other New England Gravestone Websites:

The Find A Grave website at is indispensable for locating gravestones in even small New England cemeteries. In the great majority of cases, photographs of the stones are available as well.

Robert Paine Carlson provides a complete listing of Cape Cod burial grounds, with many comprehensive inscription lists (thousands of entries ) and over 3000 images of gravestones.
cape cod gravestones

The City of Boston has made available the work of the Historic Burying Grounds Initiative, where all inscription lists (fully searchable) of all Boston burial grounds are provided.
boston burial ground lists

The Farber Gravestone Collection of photographs, in the possession of the American Antiquarian Society, has been made available online by David Rumsey and Cartography Associates.
farber collection

Gravestones in Rhode Island may be located through the Rhode Island Cemeteries Database.
Rhode Island Cemeteries

The Association for Gravestone Studies.

The Connecticut Gravestone Network.
Connecticut gravestones